Astronomie - Feuerkugel über Ohio und nördliche Adria


On Sept. 27th, a meteor exploded in the skies above the US midwest. Witnesses report shadows cast upon the ground, unusual sounds, and a swirling contrail marking the aftermath of the blast. "It was the most brilliant fireball that I have ever seen!" reports Angela McClain, who sends this picture from Faith Ranch in Jewett, Ohio:


"The entire landscape lit up," she continues. "I spun around and there it was, a huge, bright green light, streaking across the sky. Even when it was gone, there was still a bright line in the sky about 20 seconds later. We were all stunned."
NASA-Video von Ohio-Fireball:
"This was a very bright event," says Bill Cooke of NASA's Meteoroid Environment Office. "Flares saturated our meteor cameras, and made determination of the end point (the terminus of the fireball's flight through the atmosphere) virtually impossible. Judging from the brightness, we are dealing with a meter class object."
Data from multiple cameras shows that the meteoroid hit Earth's atmosphere traveling 51 km/s (114,000 mph) and passed almost directly over Columbus, Ohio. Cooke has prepared a preliminary map of the ground track. According to the American Meteor Society, the fireball was visible from at least 14 US states.
Weitere Aufnahmen:
Quelle: AMS
Auch wenn diese Aufnahmen vom 3.September 2013 sind, ist es eine weitere welche die derzeitige Häufigkeit von Feuerkugeln unterstreicht:
Very Bright Fireball Over the Northern Adriatic
The animation is composed of 15 images, each lasting for 1 minute and covering the time span of 0h05-0h20UT around the fireball fall. The All-sky Camera at Črni Vrh Observatory is operating on every clear night and record meteors and fireballs on daily basis. 
Quelle: 2013 Črni Vrh Observatory.
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