Raumfahrt - Start des SES-SATELLITEN ASTRA 2E mit Proton-M-Träger LIVE


54.SES-Satellit soll von einer ILS Proton in den Orbit gebracht werden

Luxemburg, 27. September 2013 - SES S.A. (NYSE Euronext Paris und Luxemburger Börse: SESG) teilt mit, dass der Satellit ASTRA 2E am 30 September 2013 an Bord einer ILS-Trägerrakete vom Typ Proton vom Weltraumbahnhof Baikonur in Kasachstan ins All starten wird. Proton soll um genau 03:38 (Ortszeit Baikonur) abheben (d.h 23:38 MESZ am 29. September).

ASTRA 2E wurde für SES von Astrium in Frankreich gebaut. Der auf der überaus zuverlässigen Plattform Eurostar E3000 basierende Satellit ist mit 60 Ku-Band-Transpondern sowie 4 Ka-Band-Transpondern ausgestattet. Er wird die Verbreitung von Rundfunk- und Breitbanddiensten der nächsten Generation in Europa, im Nahen Osten und Afrika von dem Orbitalbogen 28,2°/28,5 Ost aus ermöglichen. ASTRA 2E hat eine Startmasse von 6 Tonnen, eine Spannweite von 40 Metern (nach Entfalten der Solarpanel im Orbit) und eine Leistung von 13 kW am Ende seiner auf 15 Jahre ausgelegten Lebensdauer.

Nachdem SES-6 im Juni 2013 und ASTRA 2F im September 2012 erfolgreich gestartet wurden, wird der ASTRA 2E nun der siebte Eurostar-Satellit in der SES-Flotte sein.

ASTRA-2E Encapsulation
Quelle: Astra

Eurostar E3000 Platform

Separated spacecraft mass: 6,020 kg

Launch Vehicle:                

Proton M/Breeze M

705,000 kg (1,554,000 lb), including payload

58.2 m (191ft)

Launch Date:                      

September 30, 2013

Launch Time:

03:38:10 Baikonur

01:38:10 Moscow

23:38:10 Luxembourg (Sept. 29)

21:38:10 GMT (Sept. 29)

17:38:10 EDT (Sept. 29)

Launch Site:                       

Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan

Launch Pad 39

Launch Customer:            

SES, Luxembourg

Satellite Manufacturer:     


Launch Vehicle Manufacturer:  

Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center, Russia

Launch Services Provider:                     

International Launch Services, USA

Satellite Use:                      

ASTRA 2E will carry Ku- and Ka-band payloads for the delivery of high-performance Direct-to-Home (DTH) and next generation broadband services in Europe, Middle East and Africa. Built by Astrium, ASTRA 2E will bring replacement and growth capacity at 28.2° East to enhance SES’ fleet of over 50 geostationary satellites, and ensure reliable and secure connectivity to over 99% of the world’s population.

Satellite Statistics:            

__60 Ku-band transponders

__4 Ka-band transponders (of which 1 is interconnected)

__Planned location: 28.2° orbital neighborhood

__Anticipated service life: 15 years

Mission Profile:                  

The Proton M launch vehicle, utilizing a 5-burn Breeze M mission design, will lift off from Pad 39 at Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan, with the ASTRA 2E satellite on board.  The first three stages of the Proton will use a standard ascent profile to place the orbital unit (Breeze M Upper Stage and the ASTRA 2E satellite) into a sub-orbital trajectory.  From this point in the mission, the Breeze M will perform planned mission maneuvers to advance the orbital unit first to a circular parking orbit, then to an intermediate orbit, followed by a transfer orbit, and finally to a geosynchronous  transfer orbit. Separation of the ASTRA 2E satellite is scheduled to occur approximately 9 hours, 12 minutes after liftoff.

Target Orbit at Separation:         

Perigee: 4,202 km

Apogee: 35,736 km

Inclination: 23.0 degrees 

Spacecraft Separation:    

Approximately 9 hours, 12 minutes after liftoff

ILS Mission Statistics:     

_5th ILS Proton Launch in 2013

_82nd ILS Proton Launch Overall

_23rd SES Satellite Launched on ILS Proton

_17th Astrium Satellite Launched on Proton





Quelle: ILS


Update: 29.09.2013


Proton-M Poised for Return to Flight Mission Sunday Night

Laden with the Astra 2E communications satellite, Russia’s giant Proton-M is rolled horizontally to Pad 39 at Site 200 at Baikonur on Thursday, 26 September. Photo Credit: ILS


Less than three months after the spectacular—though catastrophic—loss of a Proton-M booster in July, International Launch Services (ILS) is primed to return the venerable vehicle to flight. Liftoff of the three-stage Proton and its troubled Briz-M upper stage from Pad 39 at Site 200 at the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan is scheduled for 2:38 a.m. local time Monday (4:38 p.m. EDT Sunday), carrying the Astra 2E communications satellite into 22,300-mile geosynchronous orbit. The 174-foot-tall Proton was rolled horizontally out to the launch pad on Thursday, 26 September and raised into a vertical orientation, with propellant loading operations slated for early Sunday.

Quelle: ILS


Update: 22.15 MESZ






Quelle: ILS


Update: 30.09.2013


Russia’s Proton rocket successfully lifts off from Baikonur


Russia’s Proton-M rocket, carrying the European Astra 2E communication satellite, successfully blasted off from the Baikonur cosmodrome at 21:38 GMT.
"The liftoff took place successfully, according to estimated time, at 01:38 Moscow time (21:38 GMT),” a Roskosmos representative told Ria Novosti. 
The booster is carrying a 6-ton Astra 2E satellite manufactured by French EADS Astrium for the satellite operator SES Astra. The satellite is designed for the retransmission of radio and television programs in both analog and digital formats, as well as providing service to mobile and Internet connection subscribers in Europe, the Middle East and Africa.
It was the first launch of a Proton rocket since July, when a booster, hauling three GLONASS navigation satellites, came crashing down into the cosmodrome moments after liftoff.
An investigation into the failure discovered that the rocket had stabilization problems, prompting fail-safe mechanisms to kick in. The rocket turned upside down, burst in flames and broke into pieces, which came crashing down with an explosion. No one was injured, and there was no damage reported to the launch site. The loss of the booster and three satellites, however, was estimated at about $137 million.
The Proton-M boosters are made by Russia’s Khrunichev space center. Out of some 389 Proton rocket booster launches since 1965, only 23 were unsuccessful. This year's accident was the second such error with the booster itself since August 2007, when the first and the second stages of a rocket failed to undock.
Quelle: RT
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