Raumfahrt - Interstellar Spaceflight Conference Launches



A ring-shaped warp-drive device could theoretically transport a football-shaped starship (center) to effective speeds faster than light. The concept was first proposed by Mexican physicist Miguel Alcubierre in 1994.
Credit: Harold White

Scientists, engineers and exploration advocates will gather in central California this week to help plan out humanity's journey to the stars.

The action is happening in Monterey Monday through Wednesday (Aug. 7 through Aug. 9), at a conference called Starship Congress 2017.

"Our question for Starship Congress 2017 is what role the moon can play to catalyze humankind's venturing forth to explore interstellarly," conference organizers wrote in a description of the event. "Furthermore, this year's theme builds on a key take-away from the Starship Congress 2015 summit at Drexel University: In order to make interstellar space exploration interesting to everyone, what must we do to make space accessible for everybody?"

The speakers include physicist Miguel Alcubierre, who in 1994 proposed a type of real-life warp drive that could theoretically enable faster-than-light travel without breaking the laws of physics; planetary scientist Franck Marchis; scientist and sci-fi author David Brin; and Richard Obousy, co-founder and director of Icarus Interstellar, a nonprofit dedicated to helping make interstellar flight a reality by 2100. (Icarus Interstellar is organizing the conference.)

Quelle: SC



Theme: Space is for Everybody
(What does the Moon mean to Interstellar?)

In order to make star-to-star interstellar space exploration a reality in our lifetime, a "first space" staging area for interstellar exploration will be needed. Technology, machines, culture, and civilization will need to be brought to space. Critically, people will need to be brought up there. Our question for Starship Congress 2017 is what role the moon can play to catalyze humankind's venturing forth to explore interstellarly. Furthermore, this year's theme builds on a key take-away from the Starship Congress 2015 summit at Drexel University:

In order to make interstellar space exploration interesting to everyone, what must we do to make space accessible for everybody? 


2017 Talking Points

Each day of the 2017 Starship Congress summit will address thoughts and actions towards making "first space" interstellar staging a reality and welcoming the interstellar community. Space exploration scientists and advocates will share papers/presentations for each of the following day's topics. 

Day 1: The Moon as Springboard to the Stars:

  • Astro City–living on the Moon and lunar city planning; mining lunar resources; construction, power, water, and radiation shielding; living and working; economy; sociology.
  • Planetary, Deep Space and Interstellar exploration from the Moon; Spacecraft Shipyards; Lunar Space elevators; Planetary and Deep Space remote sensing; telescopes; technology.
  • "Is the moon our one-stop shop for materials in space?"

Day 2: Space is for Everybody (aka Kids in Space):

  • "SnapChat in space" sending kids to the moon; Promoting interstellar space exploration with Roblox and fidget spinners; training up and teaching today's students for tomorrow's space jobs.
  • The end of Mercury and Apollo generation–what comes next?
  • Space accessibility for people with varying degrees of ability and disability; Grandparents in space; Making space attainable for all backgrounds, economic, religious, educational, identity & personal, et al; Inclusion, diversity, and equity—necessity of space exploration benefitting all to allow interstellar funding.
  • Earth to Moon and back: transport vehicles and systems; global logistics; tourism; legal and safety considerations; military presence (see Buckminster Fuller's precession).

Day 3: Minecraft in Space: Making and building Massive Objects & Space Structures (MOSS)

  • Space and Lunar Industry: Space stations; mining camps; space service industry; telecommunications; zero gravity and lunar gravity manufacturing technology and considerations; manufacturing nuts and bolts; business. 
  • Building a Starship.
  • Space arts, society, sports, entertainment, community and culture: traditional human infrastructure, essential for human beings to live, work and play on the Moon and in space.
  • Humanizing space, Migrating earthlings; "What is humanity w/o beaches, dandelions, thunderstorms, and graffiti art?"

Note to Presenters. Interstellar space exploration is a nascent field. Presenters are encouraged to remain true to the nature of their specialties. Rules of engagement are undefined and should be led by expertise rather than expertly led. Have fun.

Quelle:  Icarus Interstellar


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