Raumfahrt - Riesiges Metallteil stürzt in Hpakant/Myanmar vom Himmel




Unidentified falling object in Hpakant



A piece of an aircraft, believed to be an engine, struck a Hpakant jade mine near Kachin State’s Hmaw His Zar village early yesterday morning, according to state officials and locals.

A soldier stands next to an object that fell from the sky in Hpakant township, Kachin State. Photo: Supplied / Ko Muang Myo

A soldier stands next to an object that fell from the sky in Hpakant township, Kachin State. Photo: Supplied / Ko Muang Myo

Lone Khin villager Ko Maung Myo told The Myanmar Times yesterday that at 6am he heard what sounded like an explosion and felt the ground vibrate.

“Every local thought it was the explosion of heavy artillery,” he said. “I walked over to it and saw it was part of an engine.”

It struck near an abandoned jade mine between Hmaw His Zar village and Nat Ma Pyeit village in Hpakant township. The mysterious cylindrical object is about 12 feet (3.7 metres) long and 5 feet in diameter, said Ko Maung Myo, who took several photos of it.

“I think it was an engine because I found a diode and many copper wires at the tail of the body,” he said. “It also looks like a jet engine block.”

The air near the object smelled acrid, as though something was burning, he said.

State officials and witnesses said there were no injuries, though the material struck near two small tents where jade miners sleep.

“We were all afraid of that explosion,” Lone Khin villager Daw Ma Kyi told The Myanmar Times yesterday. “Initially, we thought it was a battle. The explosion made our houses shake. We saw the smoke from our village.”

Lone Khin village group head U Hla Aung confirmed the strange object’s landing but could not determine whether it was part of a jet or some other aerial craft.

“I do not know exactly what it is, because I am not a specialist,” he said. “Experts are planning to check it.”

The Kachin State government was also unable to immediately identify the object.

“Experts are there checking it,” said Kachin State government deputy director U Zaw Myo Nyunt. “They also assumed that it was part of some aircraft or rocket.”

A former executive engineer of the Department of Civil Aviation reviewed pictures of the object on his Facebook page yesterday, noting that it may not be an engine but a rocket booster used for launching satellites into space.

Quelle: The Myanmar Times.


In Myanmar ist ein mehrere Meter großes Metallstück vom Himmel gestürzt. Verletzt wurde niemand. Aber jetzt rätseln die Behörden, worum es sich handelt und woher es kommt.

Die Metallröhre mit einer Länge von viereinhalb Metern und einem Durchmesser von über einem Meter krachte auf das Gelände einer Jade-Mine in Hpakant im Bundesstaat Kachin im Norden des Landes. Das berichtete die staatliche Zeitung "Global New Light of Myanmar".

Ein kleineres Metallteil mit chinesischen Schriftzeichen durchschlug dem Bericht zufolge zeitgleich das Dach eines Hauses in einem nahegelegenen Dorf. Es werde angenommen, dass die Metallteile zu einem Satelliten oder einem Flugzeug- oder Raketenmotor gehörten. Die Behörden prüften den Vorfall.

Satellitenteil aus China? 

Am selben Tag berichteten chinesische Staatsmedien, kürzlich sei ein Satellit ins All gebracht worden. Ein Zusammenhang zwischen beiden Ereignissen "konnte nicht bestätigt werden", schrieb "Global New Light of Myanmar".

In den sozialen Online-Netzwerken kursierten Bilder von Teilen technischer Ausrüstung und Kabeln in dem großen Metallzylinder. Anwohner schilderten, es habe einen lauten Knall gegeben. Das Metallteil sei nach seinem Aufprall etwa 50 Meter über das Minengelände gerollt und schließlich im Schlamm stecken geblieben.

Quelle: t-online


Update: 12.11.2016


Large metal cylinder crashes to earth in Myanmar

Strong possibility that 4.5m-long object which landed in northern mining area was part of Chinese satellite

The metal cylinder
 Residents reported hearing an explosion as the object slammed into the ground and then bounced across the mine’s compound. Photograph: Facebook

A large metal cylinder thought to be part of a Chinese rocket has crashed in a jade mining area in Myanmar.

State media published images of the 4.5m-long (15ft) drum resting in mud on property owned by a mining company in Hpakank, in the northern state of Kachin.

Chinese writing was found on a smaller piece of debris that fell through the roof of a nearby house at the same time. No one was hurt. 

Residents reported hearing an explosion as the larger barrel-shaped piece crashed to earth then bounced 50 metres across the mine’s compound before coming to rest in a waterlogged area. 

“Every local thought it was the explosion of heavy artillery,” Ko Maung Myo told the Myanmar Times. 


“I think it was an engine because I found a diode and many copper wires at the tail of the body,” he said. 

The state-run newspaper Global New Light said: “The metal objects are assumed to be part of a satellite or the engine parts of a plane or missile,” adding that authorities were still trying to confirm their origin.

On Wednesday, a Chinese rocket carrying an experimental satellite took off from the Jiuquan satellite launch centre, 1,000 miles (1,600km) from Hpakank. There has been no confirmation from Beijing that the debris in Myanmar is part of a Chinese satellite. 

Pictures on social media showed what appeared to be pieces of technological equipment and wiring attached to the inside of the debris. 




Clemens Rumpf, a space debris researcher at Southampton University, said it was “entirely plausible” that the object was part of the Long March 11 Chinese rocket that launched on Wednesday. 

“Myanmar is directly to the south of the launch site and this would put the country directly under the launch trajectory for that rocket. It is entirely plausible that the first or second stage of the rocket could have come down there,” he said. “In general, the first stage of any rocket does not make it to orbit and thus falls down somewhere downrange from the launch site.

Quelle: theguardian

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