Raumfahrt - China will neue Generation von Quick-Response-Rakete Kuaizhou-11 im Jahr 2017 starten



China to launch Kuaizhou-11, new generation of quick-response rocket in 2017

The newest generation of China's homegrown quick-response rocket is scheduled to entercommercial use in 2017, a scientist with a State-owned space technology enterprisedisclosed on Sept. 11.

The first launch of the Kuaizhou-11, developed by the Fourth Academy of China AerospaceScience and Industry Corp. (CASIC), is planned for 2017, said Zhang Di, head of thecompany's space projects department.

According to a Xinhua report, China Sanjiang Space Group (CSSG), which is located incentral China's Hubei province, began the development of Kuaizhou-1 and Kuaizhou-2 in2013 and 2014 respectively.

To promote the commercial use of Kuaizhou rockets, CASIC Rocket Technology Co., Ltd., a commercial rocket development and launch company, was registered and established onFeb. 16 in Wuhan, Hubei province, according to Wuhan-based CSSG. Kuaizhou-1 andKuaizhou-2 have been signed to the newly established company, Guancha reported. Thecompany plans to develop more than 10 units of rockets, mainly targeting low-orbit smallsatellites, in the future.

According to the report by Guancha, China plans to launch a video satellite of Jilin-1, thecountry's first domestically-developed remote sensing satellite for commercial use. Thesatellite will be launched via Kuaizhou-1 near the end of 2016.

In the meantime, a project from Wuhan National Aerospace Industrial Base has receivedapproval from the National Development and Research Committee. The base will produce50 rockets and 140 satellites by 2020, the report said.

Bloomberg noted in an earlier report that China, India and several other Asian countriesare lately spending billions of dollars on their space exploration projects. This Asiangrowth is set to increase competition across the board for commercial rocket-launchingenterprises.

Quelle: People's Daily Online


Update: 3.11.2016


Kuaizhou-1 scheduled to launch in December
ZHUHAI, China plans to launch Kuaizhou-1 solid-fuelled carrier rocket in December, a breakthrough in its commercial rocket launches.

The news was announced Wednesday at the 11th China International Aviation & Aerospace Exhibition in Zhuhai, Guangdong Province, by Lyu Xiaoge, a spokesperson for China Aerospace Science and Industry Corp.

Kuaizhou (speedy vessel) is a low-cost solid-fuelled carrier rocket with high reliability and short preparation period. It was designed to launch low-orbit satellites weighing under 300 kg.

The rocket is launched via a mobile launch vehicle and will primarily launch satellites to monitor natural disasters and provide disaster-relief information.

Quelle: Xinhua


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