Astronomie - Und weiter geht die Feuerkugel-Show der Tauriden und Leoniden im November



Frams von Bankok-Tauriden Videos:


Noch Alles normal, aber dann...


...und etwas Nachglühen



Und weitere Feuerkugeln sind im Anmarsch:

Und das sind die Spuren von Ex-Komet 55/P Tempel-Tuttle


Und wenn klarer Himmel ist, gilt es sich gut Vorzubereiten:


Update: 5.11.2015


TAURID FIREBALLS: There is no longer any doubt. Earth is passing through a stream of gravelly debris from Comet Encke, source of the annual Taurid meteor shower. Meteoroids the size of pebbles, and larger, are disintegrating as they hit our planet's atmosphere at 30 km/s. To see what effect this is having on the night sky, Martin Popek of Nýdek (Czech republic) activated a low-light camera in his backyard and let it run all night long. This is what it recorded:


There were almost a dozen exploding meteors--all brighter than Venus and one as bright as a crescent Moon. "It was a very active night," says Popek.
Earth runs unto the debris zone of Comet Encke every year around this time. Usually, the encounter produces a minor meteor shower, but 2015 is different.
"This is higher than usual activity," says meteor expert Peter Brown of the University of Western Ontario. "The Canadian Meteor Orbit Radar (CMOR) is seeing stronger Taurid activity than any of the last few years. Our Southern Ontario Meteor Network cameras caught 54 Taurid fireballs from Oct 31 - Nov 4 alone, compared to 22, 18, and 32 Taurids for the entire month of November in 2014, 2013 and 2012 respectively."
These extra fireballs are coming from a "swarm" of gravelly meteoroids that weaves in and out of Comet Encke's dusty debris zone. In some years, Earth hits the swarm; in other years it misses. 2015 appears to be a hit.
"I would say with some confidence the 2015 Taurid 'swarm' is active as predicted by astronomer David Asher," adds Brown. If those predictions continue to be correct, the fireball display could carry on until Nov. 10th. The best time to look, no matter where you live, is during the hours around local midnight when the constellation Taurus is high in the sky
Quelle: Spaceweather


Aufnahmen aus Österreich vom 4.11.2015


Update: 6.11.2015 


Heute war England das Überflug-Gebiet einer Tauriden-Feuerkugel gegen 20.00 Uhr:

Aufnahme zeigt Nordlicht und Feuerkugel über Schottland


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