Three rockets to deliver new Russian modules to ISS — rocket manufacturer
Two new modules for the Russian segment of the International Space Station (ISS) will be put in space with Proton-M rockets, the president of the space rocket corporation Energia, Vladimir Solntsev, told TASS in an interview.
"Protons will be employed to deliver the multi-functional module and other heavy modules. The Uzlovoy Module (Nodal Module) will be launched with a Soyuz-2 rocket," Solntsev told TASS in an interview.
He recalled that Russia was going to complement its segment of the station with three new modules: a multi-functional laboratory, a nodal module and research and power supply module.
"Under the plan the multi-functional laboratory must be in place in 2017. We are moving towards this goal and I hope that the task will be coped with on time," Solntsev said.
"The Nodal Module has been manufactured already and is kept in store. It will go to space after the multi-functional laboratory, in 2018. The launch of the research and power supply module is scheduled for 2019," Solntsev said.
Quelle: TASS