The track of the NEO through Taurus during its closest approach on 30 August (times BST). AN graphic by Greg Smye-Rumsby.
Early Saturday morning, the Near-Earth Object (NEO) 2002 CU11 has a close shave with our planet, passing within 13.5 lunar distances or 5,191,046 kilometres.
Soon after its discovery 12 years ago by the one-metre Lincoln Near-Earth Asteroid Research (LINEAR) telescope it was recognised as a potentially hazardous object. It's thought to have a 1-in-9,400 chance of hitting the Earth in 2049.
The asteroid is around 730 metres in diameter and at its brightest on 30 August it will be magnitude +13.9, bright enough to be visible in a 200-250-mm telescope. CCD imagers can follow it up to close approach at 4.14am BST (0314 UT) when it's moving towards the southern border of Taurus and almost 30 degrees above the south-eastern horizon from the UK.
Quelle: AN