Astronomie - Tages-Bolide über Ontario? Blauer Licht-Blitz und lauter Knall wurde wahrgenommen



Ontario residents reported seeing what looked like a meteor Sunday afternoon. A twitter user in Whitby caught the aftermath on her camera. (Veronica/twitter)


The American Meteor Society is investigating dozens of reports from residents in Ontario who described hearing and seeing what might have been a meteor streaking across the sky on Sunday.

Social media buzzed with comments from residents in southern Ontario and parts of the U.S. Sunday afternoon who described seeing a flash brighter than a lightning bolt or hearing and feeling a rumble.

One Cobourg, Ont., resident tweeted that her first thought was that there had been an earthquake or an explosion when she felt her house vibrate.

'This clearly was a pretty massive event, lots of mass, so on that basis alone I think we have a pretty good chance that
meteorites would make it to the ground.'- Peter Brown, Western University

The meteor society is looking into the reports, but so far there has been no confirmation. 

Western University professor and Canada Research Chair Peter Brown, an expert in meteors and comets, said the images and eyewitness reports are consistent with a meteor.

"This clearly was a pretty massive event, lots of mass, so on that basis alone I think we have a pretty good chance that
meteorites would make it to the ground," he said.

Much of the equipment the Western has to track meteors was not in operation Sunday afternoon, but a series of microphones the university has in place did detect a shockwave, Brown said.

"The energy is somewhere in the order of a few tens of tons of TNT explosive equivalent," he said in an interview Sunday night. "That would translate into something on the order of half to one metre in diameter and that's going to be a mass of ....a few metric tons."

Quelle: CBC-News


Quelle: CTV-News


Some Ontarians wonder if a meteor streaked across the province

TORONTO - Dozens of residents in southern Ontario said thought they saw a meteor streak across the sky Sunday afternoon, and an expert said there is little doubt that is what they spotted.

”There are dash-cam videos I’ve seen already posted to the internet that...clearly show what I would say is unequivocally a meteor,” said Peter Brown, a professor at the University of Western Ontario who studies meteors and meteorites.

Many Ontarians took to social media or contacted the American Meteor Society to report either a flash of light or a loud rumble.

The reports came in from various southern Ontario communities and parts of the United States.

The meteor society posted a comment from a person who said he was from Toronto and described a bright flash.

"It was as fast as a shooting star," said the poster who identified himself as "Doug C."

"It was as bright if not brighter than a lightning bolt."

Dana Petrillo, of Cobourg, Ont., tweeted that her house vibrated and that she first thought there had been an earthquake or explosion.

"It was a really low rumble that just reverberated through the walls. It really wasn't a shaking, like in an earthquake, but more like a wave. It really did feel like an explosion," she said in an email.

Most of the equipment the university has to track meteors was not in operation Sunday afternoon, but a series of microphones the university has in place did detect a shockwave, Brown said.

Based on the data and the eyewitness reports it appears the shockwave occurred in the area of Peterborough, Ont., and its characteristics allowed for an estimate of the size of the meteor, said Brown.

”The energy is somewhere in the order of a few tens of tons of TNT explosive equivalent," he said in an interview from London, Ont. Sunday night. "That would translate into something on the order of half to one metre in diameter and that’s going to be a mass of ....a few metric tons.”

It's possible some fragments hit the ground, Brown added.

”This clearly was a pretty massive event, lots of mass, so on that basis alone I think we have a pretty good chance that meteorites would make it to the ground,” he said.

The odds of fragments hitting the ground depend on how fast the meteor was travelling — a relatively slow moving fireball would make it more likely that some meteorites may be found.

"It would not surprise me if meteorites are found," Brown said.

Quelle: globalpost


Update: 6.05.2014




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