Raumfahrt - Erfolgreicher Start von Ariane-5 Flight-VA-218 - Update



During Ariane Flight VA218 preparation activity, Ariane 5’s core cryogenic stage is lifted over the mobile launch table in the Spaceport’s Launcher Integration Building (left picture). In the photos at center and right, the vehicle’s two solid propellant boosters are moved by rail for their rendezvous with the core stage.
Ariane Flight VA218
Activity is continuing in French Guiana to support Arianespace’s busy 2014 launch schedule, with initial launcher buildup procedures underway for Flight VA218’s Ariane 5 vehicle.
As part of familiar pre-launch preparations inside the Spaceport’s Launcher Integration Building, the launcher’s core cryogenic stage has been removed from its protective shipping container and hoisted into position over one of two operational mobile launch tables available for Ariane 5.
Subsequently during separate rollouts, the vehicle’s two solid propellant boosters were moved via rail on pallets from their dedicated on-site assembly facility to the Launcher Integration Building, in preparation for mating with the core stage.
This Ariane 5 launcher will be used on Arianespace’s 218th Ariane-series mission – designated Flight VA218 – which is to carry two passengers: the Optus 10 spacecraft for Australian operator Optus, and Asia-Pacific provider MEASAT Global’s MEASAT-3b satellite.
Quelle: arianespace
Update: 17.03.2018

Assembly completed: the Ariane 5 launcher for Flight VA218 receives its “upper composite”

The photos above provide two views of Ariane Flight VA218’s “upper composite” – comprised of the combined cryogenic upper stage and vehicle equipment bay – as it is lowered for installation atop the launcher’s core cryogenic stage.
Ariane Flight VA218
Another Ariane 5 for launch by Arianespace has completed its initial build-up at the Spaceport, marking a major milestone in preparations for this upcoming dual-passenger flight.
The latest assembly activity – performed this week at the Spaceport’s Launcher Integration Building in French Guiana – included installation of the ESC-A cryogenic upper stage and vehicle equipment bay as a single unit atop the Ariane 5’s cryogenic core stage.
With initial build-up concluded, the launcher is now being readied for its transfer to the Spaceport’s Final Assembly Building – where it will be fitted with the Optus 10 and MEASAT-3b satellite passengers.
This mission’s Optus 10 payload was produced by SSL (Space Systems/Loral) for Australian telecommunications service provider Optus. It is outfitted with 24 Ku-band transponders to provide direct TV broadcast, internet connectivity, telephone and data transmission services for Australia and New Zealand.
The Airbus Defence and Space-built MEASAT-3b spacecraft will be operated by MEASAT Global to support direct-to-home broadcast services for Malaysia, India and Indonesia. Positioned at 91.5 degrees East, MEASAT-3b will be co-located with the MEASAT-3 and MEASAT-3a satellites to enhance Asia’s key direct-to-home neighborhood.
Quelle: arianespace
Update: 24.04.2014

MEASAT-3b lands in French Guiana, while its Ariane 5 launcher is delivered to Arianespace at the Spaceport

In the photo at left, the shipping container with MEASAT-3b emerges from the An-124 cargo aircraft after delivery at Félix Eboué International Airport yesterday. At right, Ariane 5 is transfered from the Spaceport’s Launcher Integration Building to the Final Assembly Building today.
Ariane Flight VA218
Payload preparations for Arianespace’s next Ariane 5 mission are gearing up following this week’s delivery of MEASAT-3b – one of two satellite passengers for launch on the heavy-lift flight – to French Guiana.
This spacecraft was transported by a chartered An-124 cargo jetliner that landed at Félix Eboué International Airport near the capital city of Cayenne, and was unloaded for its transfer by road to the Spaceport.
In parallel activity, this mission’s Ariane 5 was moved today from the Launcher Integration Building to the Final Assembly Building – marking its delivery to Arianespace by vehicle prime contractor Airbus Defense and Space. With this step completed, the workhorse launcher is ready for integration of its dual-satellite payload.
MEASAT-3b – which was produced by Airbus Defence and Space based on the Eurostar E3000 platform – will be operated by MEASAT to support direct-to-home broadcast services for Malaysia, India, Indonesia and Australia. Positioned at 91.5 degrees East, MEASAT-3b will be co-located with the MEASAT-3 and MEASAT-3a satellites to form a robust Asian direct-to-home neighborhood.
Joining MEASAT-3b as its Ariane 5 flight co-passenger is Optus 10, which was produced by SSL (Space Systems/Loral) for Australian telecommunications service provider Optus. It is outfitted with 24 Ku-band transponders to provide direct TV broadcast, internet connectivity, telephone and data transmission services for Australia and New Zealand.
Designated Flight VA218 in Arianespace’s numbering system, this upcoming mission represents the 218th launch of an Ariane family vehicle. 
Update: 4.05.2014

Parallel Ariane 5 and Soyuz mission campaigns keep Arianespace on track for a record year of launches

MEASAT-3b is processed for launch inside the Spaceport’s S5 payload preparation center for Arianespace’s Ariane 5 Flight VA218, which was followed by this week’s arrival of its Optus 10 co-passenger – delivered to French Guiana’s Félix Eboué Airport by an Antonov An-124 cargo jetliner.


The Spaceport is busy with launch campaign activity in support of Arianespace’s record 2014 mission pace, with parallel preparations now underway for three heavy-lift Ariane 5 flights, as well as another with the medium-lift Soyuz; all to be conducted from French Guiana.

With the activity underway – and the four launches already performed since January, using its complete family of the heavyweight Ariane 5, medium-lift Soyuz and lightweight Vega – Arianespace is on track to perform 12 missions during the year from the Spaceport, setting a new operational record that would surpass its 10 flights in 2010.

Key steps this week for the upcoming flights included arrival of the second payload for Arianespace’s next workhorse Ariane 5 launch: the Optus 10 satellite, which has since joined the MEASAT-3b co-passenger, delivered in mid-April, for checkout at the Spaceport.These two spacecraft will be lofted May 28 on a mission designated Flight VA218 in Arianespace’s numbering system, signifying the 218th launch of an Ariane-series vehicle.  The mission’s launcher, an Ariane 5 ECA version, is located inside the Spaceport’s Final Assembly Building, where it stands ready for MEASAT-3b and Optus 10’s upcoming integration.

Quelle: arianespace

Update: 29.05.2014

Arianespace Flight VA218: Launch postponed

Optus Networks Pty. Ltd. has informed Arianespace that its OPTUS 10 satellite, one of the two payloads being carried by Arianespace flight VA218, originally scheduled for June 6, requires additional verifications.

The Ariane 5 launch is therefore postponed and a new launch date will be announced as soon as possible.
Quelle: arianespace
Update: 20.08.2014 

Optus 10 is delivered to French Guiana for Arianespace’s Ariane 5 launch in September

Ariane Flight VA218
The return of Optus 10 to French Guiana has set the stage for a new phase of payload preparations at the Spaceport with Arianespace’s next Ariane 5 mission, which is scheduled for a September liftoff carrying this multi-mission satellite and its MEASAT-3b co-passenger.
Optus 10’s delivery occurred yesterday as the Space Systems/Loral-built spacecraft landed at Félix Eboué Airport near the capital city of Cayenne, where it was unloaded from a chartered Antonov An-124 cargo jetliner for transfer by road to the Spaceport.
To be operated by Australia’s Optus telecommunications service provider, Optus 10 is outfitted for direct TV broadcast, internet connectivity, telephone and data transmission services across Australia and New Zealand.
Joining it on Arianespace’s Ariane 5 mission in September is the Airbus Defence and Space-built MEASAT-3b relay platform, designed to expand Malaysian-based MEASAT’s direct-to-home broadcasting as well as VSAT services to small terminals across Malaysia, India, Indonesia and Australia. 
MEASAT-3b was put in storage at the Spaceport awaiting the availability of Optus 10 for the upcoming dual-passenger launch – designated Flight VA218 in Arianespace’s launcher family numbering system.  The mission’s Ariane 5 was moved earlier this month into the Final Assembly Building at the Spaceport, where it is being readied for the integration of Optus 10 and MEASAT-3b. 
Quelle: arianespace
Update: 29.08.2014

A confirmed “fit:” Optus 10 is readied for launch on Arianespace's next heavy-lift mission


Ariane Flight VA218

Preparations continue to move ahead for Arianespace’s Ariane 5 Flight VA218, as the Optus 10 spacecraft has undergone its fit-check and fueling for a dual-passenger mission targeted for September 11 from French Guiana.
Optus 10 will be the sixth satellite launched by Arianespace for Optus and is outfitted for direct TV broadcast, internet connectivity, telephone and data transmission services across Australia and New Zealand. 
It will be joined on Arianespace’s next mission by the MEASAT-3b relay platform, which is to expand direct-to-home broadcasting and VSAT services across Malaysia, India, Indonesia and Australia for Malaysian-based MEASAT.
Designated Flight VA218 in the company’s numbering system, this upcoming launch is scheduled to be the fourth Ariane 5 flight from the Spaceport in French Guiana this year. 
Quelle: arianespace
Update: 5.09.2014

Payload integration is completed for Arianespace’s Ariane 5 flight on September 11

During integration activity at the Spaceport, the protective fairing containing MEASAT-3b is positioned over Optus 10 – after which it was lowered over the telecommunications SATELLITE to create Ariane 5’s dual-payload “stack.”
The heavy-lift Ariane 5 for Arianespace’s next mission from French Guiana is now complete following integration of its full payload “stack,” consisting of the MEASAT-3b and Optus 10 commercial telecommunications SATELLITES.
Encapsulated by an ogive-shaped protective fairing, MEASAT-3b was lowered into place yesterday over its Optus 10 co-passenger – which had been installed atop Ariane 5’s cryogenic core stage during earlier activity.
This latest preparation milestone clears the way for final steps that will include functional tests, launch rehearsal and launch vehicle arming – to be followed by the readiness review and rollout to the Spaceport’s launch zone for a liftoff on September 11.
As the upper payload in Ariane 5’s stack, MEASAT-3b will be released first in the flight sequence. This relay platform – which was manufactured by Airbus Defense and Space for operation by MEASAT – is equipped with 48 high-power Ku-band transponders to expand direct-to-home broadcasting and VSAT (very small aperture terminal) services across Malaysia, India, Indonesia and Australia.
Optus 10 is to be deployed from the launcher’s lower passenger position, with its separation to follow that of MEASAT-3b. Built by SSL (Space Systems/Loral) for Australian telecommunications service provider Optus, the spacecraft is outfitted with 24 Ku-band transponders to provide direct TV broadcast, INTERNET connectivity, telephone and data transmission services for Australia and New Zealand.
Designated FLIGHT VA218 in Arianespace’s numbering system, this upcoming mission will be the fourth Ariane 5 launch from the Spaceport in French Guiana during 2014. 
Quelle: arianespace
Update: 10.09.2014
Ariane Flight VA218
Cut-away illustration of Flight VA218’s payload.
The Arianespace heavy-lift Ariane 5 mission with telecommunications satellites for two leading Asia-Pacific operators received the “green light” today for its Thursday liftoff from the Spaceport in French Guiana. 
Carrying Malaysian-based MEASAT’s MEASAT-3b in the upper position under Ariane 5’s fairing and Optus 10 for Australia’s Optus as the lower passenger, this mission further underscores Arianespace’s leadership position in the Asia-Pacific – with the company having launched two-thirds of the region’s commercial geostationary telecommunications satellites since its 1980 founding.
Today’s approval was issued following the launch readiness review, which is held prior to every Ariane 5 mission to confirm the heavy-lift vehicle and its dual-passenger payload are flight-ready, along with verifying Spaceport infrastructure and the downrange tracking system.
With this step in pre-launch preparations complete, Ariane 5 is now cleared for rollout to the launch zone tomorrow – to be followed by Flight VA218’s liftoff on September 11 during an approximately one-hour launch window that opens at 6:21 p.m. local time in French Guiana.
As the third satellite to be launched for MEASAT by Arianespace, the Airbus Defence and Space-built MEASAT-3b will provide direct-to-home broadcasting and VSAT (very small aperture terminal) services across Malaysia, India, Indonesia and Australia.
Built by SSL (Space Systems Loral), Optus 10 – the sixth spacecraft the company is lofting for Optus – will offer direct TV broadcast, Internet connectivity, telephone and data transmission services for Australia, New Zealand and the Antarctic region.
Thursday’s mission – designated Flight VA218 in the company’s numbering system – will be the fourth Ariane 5 liftoff from the Spaceport this year and the 75th launch of this heavy-lift workhorse, which has performed 60 successful flights in a row. 

Launch window for Ariane Flight VA218

Universal time (GMT)

French Guiana



Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


09:21 p.m. and 10:23 p.m. on
Sept. 11, 2014

06:21 p.m. and 07:23 p.m. on
Sept. 11, 2014

11:21 p.m. and 12:23 a.m. on
Sept. 11-12, 2014

05:21 p.m. and 06:23 p.m. on
Sept. 11, 2014

05:21 a.m. and 06:23 a.m. on
Sept. 12, 2014

07:21 a.m. and 08:23 a.m. on
Sept. 12, 2014

Quelle: arianespace
Update: 11.09.2014

Ariane 5 moves to the launch zone for Arianespace’s September 11 heavy-lift flight

During today’s rollout from the Final Assembly Building, Arianespace’s heavy-lift Ariane 5 launcher and its MEASAT-3b and Optus 10 payloads approach the Spaceport’s dedicated ELA-3 launch site.
Ariane Flight VA218
Arianespace’s heavy-lift Ariane 5 workhorse is in position for tomorrow’s Flight VA218 – a dual passenger-mission for Asia-Pacific telecommunications operators MEASAT and Optus.
Ariane 5 – with its MEASAT-3b and Optus 10 payload – was transferred today on a mobile launch table from the Spaceport’s Final Assembly Building to the dedicated ELA-3 launch complex in French Guiana, where it is scheduled for liftoff during an approximately one-hour launch window that opens at 6:21 p.m. local time.
On this mission – the 75th launch of Ariane 5 to date – the upper passenger MEASAT-3b will be deployed first in the flight sequence nearly 27 minutes after liftoff, with the separation of Optus 10 from the vehicle’s lower position occurring some seven-and-a-half minutes later.
Total payload performance for Flight VA218 is estimated at nearly 10,090 kg., which includes approximately 9,160 kg. for MEASAT-3b and Optus 10 combined, plus Ariane 5’s SYLDA dispenser system and satellite integration hardware.
MEASAT-3b, built by Airbus Defence and Space for MEASAT, will expand this Malaysian-based operator’s direct-to-home and VSAT (very small aperture terminal) services in Malaysia, Indonesia, India and Australia – operating from an orbital position of 91.5 deg. East with a design life of 15 years.
Australian-based Optus’ Optus 10 is to provide direct TV broadcast, Internet connectivity, telephone and data transmission services for Australia, New Zealand and the Antarctic region. With a design life of 15 years, this spacecraft was produced by SSL (Space System Loral) and will be positioned at 164 deg. East in orbit.
Quelle: arianespace
Update: 21.30 MESZ
The Ariane 5 launcher for Flight VA218 is shown in the Spaceport’s ELA-3 launch zone, ready for liftoff from French Guiana with the MEASAT-3b and Optus 10 spacecraft.
Ariane Flight VA218
Arianespace’s latest Ariane 5 mission – to loft MEASAT-3b for MEASAT and Optus’ Optus 10 – has entered its final countdown phase at the Spaceport in French Guiana.
The company’s heavy-lift workhorse is scheduled to liftoff this evening from the ELA-3 launch complex with its dual-passenger payload during a launch window that opens at 6:21 p.m. local time and lasts until 7:23 p.m.
Designated Flight VA218 in Arianespace’s numbering system, today’s mission with MEASAT-3b and Optus 10 is the 75th launch of an Ariane 5 to date and the vehicle’s fourth liftoff this year.
Ariane 5 will loft approximately 10,090 kg. on today’s flight – including the dual-passenger payload and its associated hardware – releasing MEASAT-3b nearly 27 minutes after liftoff, which is to be followed by Optus 10’s deployment some seven-and-a-half minutes later.
With a mass of some 5,900 kg., MEASAT-3b – built by Airbus Defence and Space – will expand direct-to-home and VSAT (very small aperture terminal) services across Malaysia, Indonesia, India and Australia for Malaysian-based MEASAT.
Australia’s Optus will deploy the SSL (Space Systems/Loral)-built Optus 10, which has a mass of approximately 3,270 kg., to provide direct TV broadcast, Internet connectivity, telephone and data transmission services for Australia, New Zealand and the Antarctic region. 
Quelle: arianespace
Frams: arianespace LIVE Start
Update: 12.09.2014
Arianespace successfully launches MEASAT-3b and OPTUS 10 satellites 
Confirms continued leadership in the Asia-Pacific
Arianespace has successfully launched two telecommunications satellites, MEASAT-3b for the Malaysian operator MEASAT, and OPTUS 10 for the Australian operator OPTUS. The launch was performed by an Ariane 5 rocket on September 11 at 07:05 pm (local time) from the Guiana Space Center in French Guiana. With this new successfull launch, Arianespace clearly sets the standard in launch services for all manufacturers and operators in the Asia-Pacific market.
A launch that reflects the confidence of major players in the Asia-Pacific 
The MEASAT-3b satellite is the third satellite orbited by Arianespace for the operator MEASAT Global . It will offer telecommunications and direct TV broadcast services for Malaysia, India, Indonesia and Australia.
The OPTUS 10 satellite, which will provide direct TV broadcast, Internet, telephony and data transmission services for Australia, New Zealand and the Antarctic region, is the sixth satellite orbited by Arianespace for the Australian operator . Except for one satellite, Arianespace has launched the entire active OPTUS fleet.
Quelle: arianespace

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