UFO-Forschung - BlueBook July 1952 Photographs update



Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos sent me an e-mail regarding amplifying information of some of the July 1952 cases involving photographs. I added my comments and I will update the table in the final supplemental issue for SUNlite


17-3: July 17, Matanzas, Cuba. It was July 16, a fake. References:

Juan Carlos Victorio Uranga (2013).

There were no photographs in the file but it appears that a local newspaper determined the photographs were

fake while military intelligence concluded the object in the images was an optical phenomenon of some kind

from the photographic setup.


July 23, Vienna, VA, somehow I have it as “Bolide fireball (meteorite debris)”


Brad Sparks.


The report mentions the debris being examined at the bureau of standards and they determined

it was not a meteorite, it was not a natural stone, and that it looked like slag.

July 28, Jersey City. Photos by known author of fake photos August C. Roberts.

The Jersey Journal (Jersey City), July 29, 1952. Rutland Daily Herald (Rutland, Vermont), July 30, 1952.

State Time Advocate (Baton Rouge, Louisiana), April 25, 1955. August C. Roberts, Flying Saucers (Ray

Palmer), No 25, August 1957, pp 8-15. Brad Steiger & August C. Roberts, The Flying Saucer Menace,

Award, 1967, pp 20-21. Wendelle State Time Advocate (Baton Rouge, Louisiana), April 25, 1955. Ste-

vens & August C. Roberts, UFO Photographs Around the World, pp 201-202. Larry Robinson’ s catalog. Luis Ruiz Noguez, Perspectivas Ufológicas, September 1994. Richard Luongo, Flying Saucers and UFOs (KMR Publications), 2, 1968, pp 62-64. The TRUE Report on Flying Saucers, 1, 1967. USAF,

Wisconsin State Journal (Madison, WI), July 30, 1952. Rob Mercer (2016). The Australian Flying Saucer Magazine, August 1952? The Central New Jersey Home News (Brunswick, NJ), July 30, 1952. Shamokin News-Dispatch (S, Pennsylvania), July 31, 1952. The Morning Call (Allentown, PA), July 30, 1952. Gray Barker, They Knew Too Much About Flying Saucers, University Books (NY), 1956, pp 82-84. Burlington Daily News (Burlington, Vermont), July 30, 1952. UAPRO files. Delaware County Daily Times (Chester, PA),


July 30, 1952. United Press Telephoto, July 31, 1952.

The photographs in the file are somewhat confusing. There is one photograph showing “squiggles” all over the frame. This is the sort of thing one gets when photographing a point source and holding the shutter open as the camera is moved about. Another looks like an out of focus point source, where the shutter was open and camera moved a small amount (See image to the right). There is testimony regarding the sighting and it seems that it could be a balloon, which is what I classified it as.

July 28, NY city, another photo by Roberts. Lens flare, street lamp.


USAF, & http:// Fate, Vol 6, No 10, #43, October 1953, pp 6-7. Max B. Miller, Flying Saucers. Fact or Fiction?, Trend, Los Angeles, 1957, p38. Colman S. VonKeviczky, Flying Saucers (Ray Palmer), No 91, Spring 1976, pp 16-17, 23 & 27; Official UFO, July 1976, pp 12-15, 34 & 36-37; and Canadian UFO Report, Vol 3, No 8 (#24),

Summer 1976, p 22. Ray Stanford. Luis Ruiz Noguez, Perspectivas Ufológicas, September 1994. Rob Mercer (2016). Ray Stanford (2017). Jersey Journal (Jersey City, NJ), November 15, 1955, wrong date 1949. Tim Printy,, p 22.

The photograph shows what looks like a lens flare from the bright light source that is over exposed in the image. Blue Book evaluated this as a balloon because of the spherical shape and illumination of the object.

Quelle: SUNlite 1/2025

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