UFO-Forschung - Weeding out The Weinstein catalog November 26, 1951 - 25 miles east of Milwaukee, Wisconsin



November 26, 1951 - 25 miles east of Milwaukee, Wisconsin



The source of this information comes from the Blue Book files.

The Blue Book file2

The Blue Book file contains an Air Intelligence Information Report: 3

A capital airlines pilot had spotted a “ball of fire” at 1025Z on the 26th flying in the opposite direction of his aircraft. His course was 260 degrees meaning the course of the object was 80 degrees. Duration was listed as 10 seconds.


The plane was located 25 miles east of Milwaukee, Wisconsin and was flying at an altitude of 5-6000 feet.

The object was described as orange colored with a blue exhaust like flame behind it. It was traveling at a high rate of speed. The blue flame was 200 feet long and located 150 feet behind the object.

Another Capital airlines aircraft, approximately 75 miles south of the first one, saw the same object heading eastward. He listed the time as 1023Z. This aircraft was on a course of 65 degrees and estimated the object’s altitude at 25,000 -30,000 feet. 

He estimated the speed at 2000 mph. They also estimated duration at 35 seconds.

No observers at Ann Arbor were available to confirm the sighting because of clouds.

Nothing was picked up on radar

Weather in Milwaukee and Chicago was overcast at 1400 feet.

There was no known jet activity in the area.


The object was seen from two different locations seventy-five miles apart indicating it was very high in altitude. It was visible for less than a minute and flew a straight path before disappearing. Blue book got this one correct. Once again, this was nothing more than a meteor and there is nothing to indicate it was something else.


This is another Weinstein catalog entry that contains sufficient information to reach a reasonable explanation. This was a bright meteor and should be removed from the Weinstein Catalog.

Quelle: SUNlite 6/2024



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