UFO-Forschung - IFO-Universität: die wahre Ursache, bei derzeitigen Drohnensituation.




Hier einmal der Ursache nachgegangen, wenn es um die Drohnensituation in den USA und hier geht.

Ohne Frage gibt es unter den ganzen Beobachtungen Drohnen, die um Militäranlagen herumfliegen.

Wir wissen, dass dies der Fall ist bei:

• Langley

• Lakenheath

• Vandenberg

• Wright-Patterson

• Ramstein

Dies sind nur einige Beispiele, die als tatsächliche Drohneneinfälle anerkannt wurden, von denen mindestens einer zu einer Festnahme führte (ein chinesischer Staatsbürger wurde beim Betreten eines Fluges nach China festgenommen, nachdem er beim Fliegen einer Drohne über Vandenberg erwischt wurde). Wie berichteten hier auf unserem Blog.



BREAKING* Man arrested for flying drone over Vandenberg Space Force Base; boarding flight to China Yinpiao Zhou, 39, was arrested Monday, Dec. 9th, on a federal criminal complaint for allegedly flying a drone over and taking photographs of Vandenberg Space Force Base.  “Zhou was arrested Monday at San Francisco International Airport prior to boarding a China-bound flight and is expected to make his initial appearance today in United States District Court in San Francisco.” On November 30, “drone detection systems at Vandenberg Space Force Base in Santa Barbara County detected a drone flying over the base”, tracked it to Ocean Park next to the base, base security approached Zhou and another person with him, and found a drone concealed in Zhou’s jacket - which was “the same one that flew over the base”. “Zhou is a Chinese citizen and lawful permanent resident of the United States, most recently returning to the United States from China in February 2024. The person accompanying Zhou at Ocean Park most recently entered the United States from China on November 26.” Again, I have been saying this for moths now: watch China and these drones are most likely adversarial. And adversarial doesn’t mean it flew FROM China, but Chinese nationals are being paid to surveil our bases. It’s happening like I’ve been stating. Pay attention. It’s not aliens. It’s adversarial.


Doch dann passierte New Jersey. Zwar gab es Berichte über Drohnensichtungen über zwei Militärbasen in New Jersey, aber das ist nicht ungewöhnlich.

Ein Sprecher des Vereinigten Generalstabs kommentierte: „Wir haben bestätigte Sichtungen im Picatinny Arsenal und in der Naval Weapons Station Earle“, sagte der Sprecher. „Das ist für uns kein neues Problem. Wir haben schon seit einiger Zeit mit Drohneneinfällen über unseren Stützpunkten zu kämpfen. Es ist etwas, auf das wir routinemäßig in jedem einzelnen Fall reagieren, wenn Berichte dazu vorliegen.“



During an on-background telephone call today, officials from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Department of Homeland Security, Federal Aviation Administration and the Joint Staff provided comment and answered questions from reporters about the drone sightings. 


A spokesperson from the Joint Staff acknowledged that there had been sightings of drones over two military installations in New Jersey, but said such sightings are typical. 

"We have had confirmed sightings at Picatinny Arsenal and Naval Weapons Station Earle," the spokesperson said. "This is not a new issue for us. We've had to deal with drone incursions over our bases for quite a time now. It's something that we routinely respond to in each and every case when reporting is cited." 

The spokesperson said military installations have means to detect and respond to such drones, and that security personnel are trained to identify, categorize and employ those tools to keep drones from flying unauthorized over U.S. military bases. 

Right now, the FBI, DHS, FAA and DOD have been unable to determine who is responsible for flying the drones, and there's no indication that there are adversary nations involved.

"To date, we have no intelligence or observations that would indicate that they were aligned with a foreign actor or that they had malicious intent," the spokesperson said. "But ... we don't know. We have not been able to locate or identify the operators or the points of origin." 

The spokesperson said that the military has "limited authorities" when it comes to conducting investigations off of military installations in the United States, and is also prohibited from conducting intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance operations in the United States which might be used to determine the origins of who might be flying the drones. But the spokesperson also said those military installations have good relations with local law enforcement, who can conduct investigations off the installation. 

"We have to coordinate with law enforcement to try to do that, which we are doing," the spokesperson said. "And we do that on a routine basis at nearly all of our locations. We have good relationships and excellent coordination, and we respond quickly to try to identify them." 

The spokesperson also said the department is frustrated with the appearance of the drones. 

"The main point is to deter the activity using some of our electronic means that can respond to most of these small commercial systems and deny them access to the airspace over our bases," the spokesperson said. "We don't know what the activity is. We don't know ... if it is criminal. But I will tell you that it is irresponsible. Here on the military side, we are just as frustrated with the irresponsible nature of this activity."


Das eigentliche Problem aber lag in den sozialen Medien und in den ständigen Falschinformationen, die die Leute posten, um sich zu engagieren. Um das „virale Video“ oder den „viralen Beitrag“ zu bekommen. Die Massenhysterie wurde durch ungeprüfte Posts von Leuten ausgelöst, die behaupteten, dass Verkehrsflugzeuge riesige Drohnen seien, die am Nachthimmel fliegen. Es gab sogar Nachrichtenagenturen, die behaupteten, diese Videos würden „Drohnen“ zeigen, obwohl es sich eindeutig um bemannte Flugzeuge handelte. Diese Hysterie verbreitete sich in den sozialen Medien und erreichte allein hier auf @X Millionen von Impressionen pro Post. Man stelle sich vor, die anderen sozialen Medienplattformen ließen diese sensationsheischenden Videos ungehindert durchgehen.

Auch hier in Deutschland auf Facebook war man bei unseren UFO Promotern bemüht Spekulationen gegenüber harten Fakten vorzuziehen um das "goldene Kalb der Offenlegung" weiter zu pflegen. Das sie damit der Sache als solches einen Bärendienst erweisen scheinen sie nicht zu merken.


In einem Interview mit @wolfblitzer verriet Minister Mayorkas, dass @DHSgov nicht nur bestätigt habe, dass von der gegenwärtigen Drohnenhysterie in New Jersey keine Bedrohung ausgehe, sondern dass es auch zahlreiche Berichte über Menschen gebe, die Flugzeuge fälschlicherweise als Drohnen identifiziert hätten. 


Secretary of Homeland Security Mayorkas makes statement about drones in New Jersey In an interview with @wolfblitzer, Secretary Mayorkas reveals that the @DHSgov has not only confirmed that there are no threats present in current drone hysteria in New Jersey, but that there were a lot of reports of people misidentifying planes as drones. He also states that the DHS “deployed state of the art technology” and “experts” to New Jersey and investigations “have not confirmed any drone sightings…in addition, it has confirmed that some reported drone sightings, were in fact, small aircraft (planes)”. Very important note in the video also WHY they do not “shoot the drones out of the sky”. He also assures that if any information were to change, he would be right back in the seat updating the nation. The conviction and confidence in his voice makes me believe he’s right and transparent about what’s going on.


Um die Hysterie noch zu steigern, behaupteten Politiker, gegnerische Länder hätten Träger mit „Drohnenmutterschiffen“ vor der Küste geparkt. Obwohl die Technologie tatsächlich existiert, erklärte die Biden-Regierung unter anderem, dass die Behauptung unzutreffend sei. Auch hier ist die Technologie über Iran und China real, aber das Boot war wahrscheinlich nicht vor der Küste geparkt, was zu Drohnenproblemen in New Jersey führte.


Drone Motherships DO exist and they are a REAL problem. Despite what was stated today by Biden’s press secretary, drone “motherships” do exist and they have been developing for awhile now. The quick clip below is just a quick glimpse into how these drone motherships, docked and launched from carriers in the sea, are a technology that has been one of many focuses of countries like China. While the capabilities and payloads are unclear, these “motherships” would very much be able to launch smaller drones once into an acceptable range and potentially have them come back and dock. And that also leads to potentially recharging and redeploying. Evidence of that and potential drone swarms launched via sea vessels happened in 2019 over the USS Zumwalt, in which crew reported “6 drones and they [USS Zumwalt] were 17 miles off the coast of Southern California”… “these drones were likely launched from a boat and that this was likely a planned ‘mission’ because no one has 6 drones on a boat for recreational purposes.” The analyst in the article states that physically capturing the drones is “really the only way a forensic assessment can be made to determine the origin and capabilities associated with an [unidentified] drone.


 This would be the reason why the US military are not eliminating the drones as the only way to properly identify them would be to capture them, which I have been suggesting for awhile now. This logic/strategy would be in play for the incursions over Langley and Lakenheath to name a few. The tech exists and it’s quite possible that we have been caught off-guard and trying to deal with it without creating a National Security panic.


Nach der Eilmeldung vom Wochenende, dass der Luftraum über Wright-Patterson am Freitagabend gesperrt wurde, nehmen die Spekulationen weiter zu. Aber das sollte zeigen, dass es sich um ein vielschichtiges Problem handelt, für das es keine einheitliche Lösung oder Schuldigen gibt. Wir wissen jedoch mit Sicherheit, dass es weder Aliens noch UAPs sind. Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass Fehlidentifizierungen, Feindseligkeit, Hobbyisten, Nachahmer, Hysterie, Fehlinformationen und Politik alle zu einem Thema zusammengefasst werden, das einen gemeinsamen Nenner hat: DROHNEN.


Vielleicht kommt der eine oder andere UFO Promoter einmal zum Nachdenken, wenn man wirklich Offenlegung möchte auch die unbequemen Gegebenheiten zu erkennen und nicht einfach zu ignorieren.

H.Köhler CENAP UFO Meldestelle


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