Raumfahrt - Erfolgreicher Start von ILS Proton-M mit TURKSAT-4A


TURKSAT-4A is a commercial communication satellite built by Mitsubishi Electric. The satellite will provide telecommunication and direct TV broadcasting services over a wide geographic region between west of china and east of England spanning Turkey, as well as Europe, Central Asia, the Middle East and Africa. TURKSAT-4A consists of multiple transponders with an expected on-orbit Maneuver life of 30 years. TURKSAT-4A satellite will expand the space capacity of Turkey and provide enhanced performance to its coverage areas. The satellite will provide high flexibility of switchability and connectivity among different service areas to its customers.

Satellite Statistics:             
_Mitsubishi Electric’s DS2000 platform
_36 transponders
_2084 MHz communications capacity
_Extensive coverage & connectivity over Turkey, Europe, Middle East, Asia and Africa
_Satellite Maneuver Lifetime: 30 years

Mission Profile:                   
The Proton M launch vehicle, utilizing a 5-burn Breeze M mission design, will lift off from Pad 24 at Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan, with the TURKSAT-4A satellite onboard. The first three stages of the Proton will use a standard ascent profile to place the orbital unit (Breeze M upper stage and the TURKSAT-4A satellite) into a sub-orbital trajectory. From this point in the mission, the Breeze M will perform planned mission maneuvers to advance the orbital unit first to a circular parking orbit, then to an intermediate orbit, followed by a transfer orbit, and finally to a geostationary transfer orbit. Separation of the TURKSAT-4A satellite is scheduled to occur approximately 9 hours, 13 minutes after liftoff.

Target Orbit at Separation:          
Perigee: 9,673 km
Apogee: 35,786 km
Inclination: 12.7 degrees

Spacecraft Separation:     
Approximately 9 hours, 13 minutes after liftoff

ILS Mission Statistics:      
_1st ILS Proton Launch in 2014
_85th ILS Proton Launch Overall
_1st TURKSAT Satellite Launched on ILS Proton
_1st Mitsubishi Electric Satellite Launched on ILS Proton


Ankunft von TURKSAT-4A in Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan









Quelle: ILS      


Update: 11.02.2014



Launch Date: 
February 14, 2014 - 9:09pm GMT

Vehicle: Proton M/ Breeze M






Quelle: ILS




Update: 12.02.2014 


Türksat 4A Ready for Rollout at Baikonur, Ahead of Friday Night Proton-M Launch

With three days to go, International Launch Services (ILS)—the joint U.S.-Russian company which operates all commercial Proton-M rockets out of Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan—stands ready to deliver its first payload of 2014 into geostationary transfer orbit. With liftoff scheduled to occur at 3:09 a.m. local time Saturday (4:09 p.m. EST Friday), the 85th ILS Proton mission will deliver the Türksat 4A communications satellite into orbit on behalf of Türksat Satellite Communications and Cable TV Operations Company, headquartered in Gölbaşı, within Turkey’s Ankara Province. It will be the first time that Türksat has contracted with ILS for launch services.
Built by Mitsubishi Electric (MELCO) at its Kamakura plant in Tokyo, Türksat 4A and 4B will be placed into orbit at 42 degrees East and 50 degrees East longitude respectively. Contracts with ILS to launch the two 8,380-pound (3,800-kg) satellites were signed in April 2011. Speaking at the time, Hiroyuki Inahata, head of MELCO’s space systems division, remarked that the choice of ILS as launch services provider was made “based on their track record of reliability, precision, launch tempo and experience.” With Türksat 4B scheduled to ride another Proton-M later in 2014, efforts are now entering their final stages to prepare Turkey’s communications birds for their missions.


Update: 13.02.2014



February 13, 2014 8:00 pm (GMT)
ILS Launch Team

Today, the ILS Proton stands vertical at Launch Pad 24.  With the assistance of the enormous mobile service tower final checks are being made to the Proton rocket.  TURKSAT-4A is safely enclosed and its environment is constantly monitored.   Tests will continue followed by the launch countdown rehearsal and the State Commission to approve the go for launch.  With just over a day to go, the anticipation is building!









Quelle: ILS


Update: 14.02.2014



Update: 15.02.2014


Erfolgreicher Start von Proton-M mit TURKSAT-4A




ILS Proton Successfully Launches TURKSAT-4A for TURKSAT

First Proton Launch of the Year; 85th ILS Proton Launch Overall

BAIKONUR COSMODROME, Kazakhstan, February 15, 2014 – International Launch Services (ILS), a leader in providing mission integration and launch services to the global commercial satellite industry, successfully launched the TURKSAT-4A satellite into orbit today on an ILS Proton vehicle. The satellite was built by Mitsubishi Electric Corporation for TURKSAT Satellite Communication, Cable TV and Operation Inc. Co. (TURKSAT A.S.), one of the world’s leading operators in the satellite communication business. This was the first ILS Proton launch for both the satellite operator and the manufacturer; it was also the first Proton launch of the year.

The ILS Proton Breeze M vehicle launched from Pad 24 at the Baikonur Cosmodrome at 03:09 today local time (14 February: 21:09 GMT and 16:09 EST).  The first three stages of the Proton used a standard ascent profile to place the orbital unit (Breeze M upper stage and the TURKSAT-4A satellite) into a sub-orbital trajectory. From this point in the mission, the Breeze M performed planned mission maneuvers to advance the orbital unit first to a circular parking orbit, then to an intermediate orbit, followed by a transfer orbit, and finally to a geostationary transfer orbit. Separation of the TURKSAT-4A satellite occurred approximately 9 hours and 13 minutes after liftoff.

TURKSAT-4A will provide telecommunication and direct TV broadcasting services over a wide geographic region between west of China and east of England, spanning Turkey, as well as Europe, Central Asia, the Middle East and Africa. TURKSAT-4A is a multi-band satellite with an expected on-orbit maneuver lifespan of 30 years. The satellite will provide high flexibility of switchability and connectivity among different service areas to its customers.

The satellite weighed 4.8 metric tons at liftoff and is the ninth satellite built on Mitsubishi Electric’s DS2000 platform, a fully proven modular platform with the flexibility to handle a broad range of payload applications.

ILS President Phil Slack stated, “This is the first ILS Proton launch for our partners, Mitsubishi Electric and TURKSAT, and we are happy to have such a strong foundation for our new relationship. We are honored to be entrusted to deliver our customers’ satellites to orbit. Thank you to all of the teams at Mitsubishi Electric, TURKSAT, Khrunichev, and ILS, who have made this launch a success.”

Ozkan Dalbay, TURKSAT A.S. CEO and Chairman of the Board, said, “The TURKSAT-4A satellite will increase coverage and enhance customer services across Turkey as well as through areas of Europe, Central Asia, the Middle East and Africa. Today's launch is a significant milestone that strengthens our ties with both ILS and Khrunichev. Thank you to everyone involved in the success of this launch.”

Mitsubishi Electric General Manager of Space Systems Division, Yasunori Kamochi added, “We appreciate that through ILS’ conscientious efforts, they conducted a flawless mission leading to the successful launch of TURKSAT 4A, our first Proton launch.  We are certain that ILS’ assurance in quality and scheduling will allow our customer to engage its satellite mission in a timely manner. We would like to thank everyone involved with the TURKSAT-4A launch for their diligence and outstanding capabilities.”

This was the 85th ILS Proton Launch and the 394th launch for Proton overall since its maiden flight in 1965. The Proton Breeze M vehicle is developed and built by Khrunichev Research and Production Space Center of Moscow, Russia’s premier space industry manufacturer and majority shareholder in ILS.

Quelle: ILS

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