UFO-Forschung - Weeding out The Weinstein June 4, 1955 - Parker, Arizona



June 4, 1955 - Parker, Arizona


The source of this entry is the Blue Book files and files from project 1947.

Source information

The Blue Book file contains most of the relevant information. The Project 1947 files are not readily available and probably mirror what can be found in the Blue Book entry. The file contains a report from flight 1-C of 4602nd AISS and a teletype message cov- ering the incident. 2nd Lt. William Connor gave the following specifics about the incident2:


  • The pilot was flying a T-33 aircraft, which was 13 miles west of Parker, Arizona and flying westward at 20,000 feet. There appears to have been a cadet pilot flying along with him.

  • The pilot reported the object as an “extremely large star”.

  • The object was stationary, visible in the west, and appeared “high” to the pilot. It was visible for three minutes.

  • Time of observation was at 1950 PDT on 4 June. This computes to 0250Z on 5 June.

  • The pilot stated that his magnetic compass and slave gyro displayed variations when he passed over the area where the object was last observed. The aircraft had problems with its compass for the rest of the flight.

  • Aircraft flying in the area had reported similar magnetic variations on the two previous nights.

  • A ground observer in the area also reported seeing the object. Details of their observation are limited but it is stated they used binoculars and saw color variations (red on bottom, yellow in the middle, and blue/green on top).

  • The weather information mentioned that there was a broken cloud layer at 30,000 feet.

A Constellation (TWA flight 21) flew in the area. They saw nothing but were in the vicinity of the UFO only minutes after the ground observer reported his object. They did report unusual cloud formations.


Any UFO report that is made at night/twilight and describes a stationary light that eventual- ly disappears should be looked at as having a possible astronomical solution. Bright stars and planets often generate UFO reports and pilots are not immune from this kind of mistake. Blue Book, based on the investigation by the 4602nd AISS, labeled this as being explained as the planet Jupiter.

  1. Jupiter was in the location described and was visible in the twilight. Based on the information presented, one can conclude the magnetic problems had more to do with the location and aircraft than the actual UFO. The broken cloud layer probably played a role in the planet dis- appearing. The color variation reported by the ground observer could have been the result of poor optics or atmospheric refraction.



This case can be classified as probably Jupiter and removed from the Weinstein catalog.

Quelle: SUNlite 3/2023



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