UFO-Forschung - IFO-Universität: Debris - Dragon Endeavor: UFO-Alarm! SpaceX-Raumschiff kollidiert fast vor ISS



Auf dem Weg zur Internationalen Raumstation (ISS) musste die Besatzung des SpaceX-Raumschiffs Dragon Endeavor einige bange Momente überstehen. Beinahe wäre es zu einer Kollision mit einem unbekannten Flugobjekt gekommen.


Wo ist die Besatzung des SpaceX-Raumschiffs Dragon Endeavor denn da fast dagegen gedonnert? Einem Bericht zufolge kamen die Astronauten vor dem erfolgreichen Erreichen der Internationalen Raumstation (ISS) einem nicht identifizierten Objekt ziemlich nahe.

UFO-Alarm bei SpaceX-Raumschiff Dragon Endeavor

US Space Command warnte die Crew an Bord des Raumschiffs demnach vor einer möglichen Kollision mit einem unbekannten Objekt nach dem Start in die Umlaufbahn am Freitag, berichtet "Futurism". Es sei keine Zeit geblieben, um die Daten eines sogenannten Trümmervermeidungsmanövers zu berechnen, um einer möglichen Kollision auszuweichen.

Dragon Endeavor kollidiert fast mit UFO: Was war DAS für ein Geschoss?

So habe sich das SpaceX-Team dafür entschieden, dass die "Besatzung aus reiner Vorsicht ihre Druckanzüge anzieht", sagte NASA-Sprecher Kelly Humphries gegenüber "Futurism". Das nicht-identifizierte Objekt sei nur knapp 45 Kilometer an der Dragon Endeavor vorbeigeschrammt, heißt es in dem Bericht weiter.


Nach dem ersten Schrecken habe allerdings keine "wirkliche Gefahr für die Besatzung oder das Raumschiff" bestanden, erklärte Humphries dem Blatt weiter. Um was für ein Geschoss es sich gehandelt hat, ist bislang noch unklar.



Update: 27.04.2021


False alarm: No space junk threat after all to SpaceX crew

There was no threat of space junk after all last week to a SpaceX crew on their way to the International Space Station

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. -- SpaceX's four astronauts had barely settled into orbit last Friday when they were ordered back into their spacesuits because of a potential collision with orbiting junk.

It turns out there was no object and no threat, the U.S. Space Command acknowledged Monday. The false alarm is under review.

“However, we quickly realized this was a reporting error,” she wrote in an email, “and that there was never a collision threat because there was no object at risk of colliding with the capsule.”

She declined to comment further, saying additional information should be available later this week once they understand what happened.

Astronauts typically get a fair amount of advance notice of potential close calls, with enough time to even dodge out of the way, if necessary. Friday’s situation, however, popped up quickly — the astronauts got barely a half-hour heads-up.

The Space Command’s 18th Space Control Squadron alerted NASA about 45 minutes before the potential conjunction, according to officials at Johnson Space Center in Houston. SpaceX and NASA notified the astronauts 15 minutes later, urging them to put on their suits right away and lower their helmet visors. By then, there wasn't enough time to change the capsule's path. The drama played out live on NASA TV.

The U.S., French and Japanese astronauts had practiced this many times before flight, according to NASA spokesman Kelly Humphries.

“Of course, we’re always happy to hear that there never was a threat, but we’re also glad the procedures were in place and the crew would have been ready if the threat had been real,” he said.

The Dragon capsule and its crew safely reached the space station on Saturday, with no further surprises. The new arrivals will spend six months there.

Based at California's Vandenberg Air Force Base, the 18th Space Control Squadron is tracking more than 32,000 objects in orbit, mostly defunct satellites and rocket parts. Some is as small as 4 inches (10 diameters). Even something that little can do big damage to a spacecraft at high speed. The space station is particularly vulnerable because of its sprawling size.

Quelle: abcNews


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