Bright objects over Area 51 that may be infra-red flares captured by UFO Seekers earlier this month. (Photo: UFO Seekers via YouTube)
Video filmed from outside Area 51 seems to show IR flares released during possible nighttime Special Operations training.
While many of the videos taken near “Area 51” tend to float the usual UFO conspiracy theories, some happen to catch interesting real-world air activity. Earlier this November was one of those occasions. Well known YouTube videographers Tim & Tracy of the UFO Seekers channel made an interesting clip shot from outside the restricted Nevada Test and Training Range (NTTR) north of Nellis Air Force Base.
The new video shows some common NTTR activity including the “camo dude” security personnel, the comings and goings of NTTR employee shuttles and, more interestingly, a lot of air activity over the region, especially at night.
The video showed what was most likely a significant nighttime special operations tactical training exercise or capabilities test at the Nevada Test & Training Range. Most interestingly, the scene appears to be lit by a series of LUU-19 B/B infrared, air-dropped illumination flares for use with night vision devices.
According to Northrop Grumman, the LUU-19 B/B air-dropped flare “is used worldwide and provides covert illumination in the near-infrared (IR) spectrum with virtually no visual signature. The LUU-19 B/B illuminates a diameter of 6,000 meters for seven minutes”. The flares are almost invisible to the naked eye at night, but viewed through night vision goggles or infrared surveillance and targeting cameras, they create an incredible amount of infrared illumination.

On Nov. 15, 2020, Tim & Tracy of UFO Seekers posted a twenty-minute video that shows a series of bright lights at low altitude as viewed through their infrared night vision video equipment. Visible in the video are a series of orbiting lights around the brighter descending lights.
While official acknowledgement and media releases about specific test and training activities inside the NTTR don’t surface often, the U.S. Air Force published an article on October 24, 2020, saying, “Operations on the Nevada Test and Training Range are continuous- when one operation finishes, another is right behind it ready to begin.”
A reasonable estimation of the activity caught on video by Jim & Tracy could be that a night time special operations training, rehearsal or air defense testing operation was taking place. Of course, it could be anything- especially at this installation. But the use of LUU-19 B/B infrared flares, if that’s what they are, as seen in the video may provide some clues about what was going on.
Weiter hier: https://theaviationist.com/2020/11/30/interesting-video-shows-nighttime-operations-near-area-51/