UFO-Forschung - Aus dem CENAP-Archiv: UFO-History Teil-344




England: UFO-Medien-Massen-Mystery aus Lust an der UFO-Laune der Nation


Die SUN ( ), Rupert Mordoch´s SUN, im eisigsten europäischen Winter seit vielleicht 100 Jahren, brachte dies - UFO-Mystery aus Lust an der UFO-Laune der Nation:


>Close encounters of the turbine

UFOS have been spotted by HUNDREDS of witnesses close to the wind turbine feared destroyed by an "alien" craft. The Sun was bombarded with reports of sightings {!!! - klar, nachdem mal wieder die Zündschnur angesteckt worden war und es bereits den seit 2 Jahren währenden Vorlauf - auch gerade kräftig durch die SUN im Mystery-Bereich gefördert - gibt} yesterday after we told how one of the 290ft generator´s 65ft blades was ripped off. Experts have struggled to explain what caused the incident in Conisholme, Lincs, and what was behind the flood of nearby UFO sightings. There have been reports of "flying saucers" for more than six months.

But Ministry of Defence insiders offered an intriguing explanation last night and said the UFOs are a secret unmanned stealth bomber on test flights {nett - aber in Anbetracht der UFO-Sichtungen aufgrund von Himmelslaternen einfach nur Quatsch, um den ´Fliegenden Dreiecks´-Mythos zu bedienen}. The black delta-wing craft, called Taranis, is about the same size as the Hawk jet trainers used by the Red Arrows at nearby RAF Scampton. The plane is being developed by Bae Systems to deliver bombs in battlefields like Afghanistan. It is understood to have been making test runs on the coastal bombing ranges at Donna Nook and North Coates . . . right next to the site of the wrecked turbine.

Some witnesses have described seeing a craft dubbed the "Octopus UFO" because strands were dangling from it. Local John Harrison, 32, said he looked out of his window and saw "a massive ball of light with tentacles going right down to the ground". Other respected witnesses, such as local council chairman Robert Palmer and GP Jenny Watson, described seeing "streaking white lights". Eric Goring, 61, first noticed eerie goings-on last summer. They have recurred with such frequency Eric began thinking aliens were trying to abduct him. He said of one close encounter in September: "I saw one come from the fields. I almost walked under it as it was just hovering 200ft above me. I didn´t want to go too near it as I was worried they might beam me up." Shaun Hodson, 30, told how he watched an object in the sky on Sunday. The marketing executive said: "I stood and watched it, transfixed. It was like nothing I have seen before."

Dale Vince, spokesman for Ecotricity, the firm which owns the windfarm, said experts had failed to come up with an explanation for the damage. He said: "We are struggling to find an answer." But a Ministry of Defence insider said: "We have to log all reports of UFOs. But in virtually all the cases there is a simple explanation - and test flights are a common one." But a theory by Emily Bell, a local blogger for a small newspaper group, that the UFOs were fireworks from her dad´s 80th birthday party were branded ridiculous.<


Auf der SUN-I-Netseite gibt es eine lebhafte Debatte mit etwas über 100 Kommentaren von Lesern, immerhin kam einer dabei auf die Lösung: "The ´Orange lights´ were most probably Chinese sky lanterns, which have become popular of late. they work through the basic law of physics - heat rising & can be quite a size -they are also orange & we do now have a large Chinese community. There was quite a lot on this over the New Year & what I have written above has been proved to be the most logical & sensible conclusion. I am pretty well convinced that UFO´s do exist, however this examples are not evidence of this." Nur EINER von knapp über HUNDERT wusste Bescheid. Sagt doch alles aus.


´More UFO Sightings´ schrieb der ´Louth Leader´ ( ) als eine Art medialer ´Gelegenheitsdieb´ sowie ´saurer Zitronen-Ausquetscher´ und ließ einen UFO-Zeugen zu Worte kommen, der eine unheimliche Begegnung der Presse-zurechtgestutzten Art ausführte - wie mancher von Ihnen es auch in der Silvesternacht erlebte, nur halt eben als Himmelslaternen:


>More Eyewitnesses have come forward after speculation of a UFO hitting a wind farm turbine. The mystery of the wrecked blade at Conisholme Wind Farm has stormed the nation since the Louth Leader broke the news of obscure lights being spotted the night the 65ft blade ´fell´ from the turbine. Scores of witnesses have been coming forward to tell us their weird encounters over the past weeks. Peter White, a Managing Director emailed us to tell us of his eerie sighting of an orange ball of light. He said:

"At 2a.m. on New Year´s morning my wife and I were driving home from friends along Keddington Road in Louth when we saw a very bright orange light in the sky over to the West. We both tried to explain with some rational what this could be, was it be a plane, a helicopter, a flair? And we watched it for a few minutes. When we arrived home in Brackenborough Road, we could see over to the South West that the light was still there but it was now going up vertically at a slow speed and seemed to disappear through cloud cover. Then almost simultaneously and at a lower level another very bright ball of orange light came from the right and then another 2 balls very close together and from the same direction at the same height. All 3 balls of light then ´hovered´ in the same pace for a minute or so before going off to the left at speed and disappearing. We watched these in the distance for about 4 minutes, there was no sound at all and to me they were like nothing we had ever seen in the past because of the size, the intensity and that they could seem to move in any direction.<


Bemerkenswert was die ´Financial Times´ ( ) schrieb:


>Britain´s Roswell

It is an uncomfortable feeling for a journalist to become the story; doubly so, if you miss the story. So, imagine how Ed Crooks, the Financial Times energy editor, felt when he read yesterday´s Sun splash - "UFO hits wind turbine" - and realised that he had been at the site of Britain´s very own Roswell. As The Sun reported: "Strange lights were spotted streaking towards the 290ft-tall generator on a wind farm" in Lincolnshire, leading an unidentified UFO expert to pronounce: "We are very excited."

Perhaps aliens did indeed "zoom" towards the wind farm. But there seems to be a slightly less mysterious explanation for this "giant explosion in the air". It was, in fact, a firework display at Ed´s father-in-law´s 80th birthday party.<

In einem zweiten Artikel von Mr.Cooks himself ( ) hieß es dann, um die Sache völlig unnötig zu verwirren:


>Shedding light on UFO ´spheres´

"UFO hits wind turbine", The Sun newspaper reported yesterday, claiming that a 65ft blade had been torn off a wind turbine in Conisholme, Lincolnshire, after being hit by an unidentified flying object. Dorothy Willows, a resident, was said to be among dozens who spotted "mysterious orangey-yellow spheres" in the sky, just hours before the blade fell off at about 4am on Sunday. Nick Pope, a UFO expert, said it could be "one of the most significant UFO incidents for years".

The Financial Times can reveal, however, that the likely cause of the lights seen in the area was a firework display {?!?}, at which I was present. Peter Bell, a retired farmer who lives close to the wind farm site, celebrated his 80th birthday on Saturday night with a party that culminated with fireworks being let off in the back garden. Many of them left - you guessed it - orangey-yellow spheres drifting in the night sky. With alien activity probably ruled out, more prosaic explanations will have to be found. Ecotricity, the company that runs the 20-turbine wind farm, said the reason the fibreglass turbine blade fell off remained a mystery.<


Ganz sicher haben die "mysterious orangey-yellow spheres" NICHTS mit einem normalen "firework display" zu tun, bestens mit einem namens "Stilles Feuerwerk" mittels Skylanterns! Nur so würde die Sache einen Sinn machen, aber kein normales Feuerwerk! Nein, so wurde kein Licht auf die "UFO-Kugeln" geworfen! Der CNN-Beitrag zur Geschichte wurde auch heute in einer 30-Sekunden-Verlängerung ebenfalls verwendet. Hier bot man gleich drei Erklärungen für die UFOs an, suchen Sie sich was aus: 1) Gas-gefüllte Wetterballons {?}, 2) Meteore {??} und 3) Luftspiegelung {???}. Im Spiel sind ansonsten bekanntlich noch: Russische Geheim-Drohne, englische Tarnkappen-Drohne, Kugelblitz, Feuerwerk - aber auf die einfachste, auf der Hand liegende Lösung wollen die meisten im UFO-Verwirrungszustand einfach nicht kommen. Als wenn es ein Tabu sei... Dabei wurde auch in den ITV-News - - eines der Objekte in einem Homevideo gezeigt, welches Leute an Ort am Samstagabend aufnahmen, was macht man hier in Anbetracht dessen also so absolut unnötig? Nochmals gesagt: Klar muss man differenzieren zwischen den ´UFOs´ und ihren Sichtungen auf der einen Seite und dem mechanischen Windrad-Flügel-Schaden auf der anderen Seite. Dies zu trennen kann doch nicht so schwer sein! Heijeijei. Aber das UFO-Thema ist ja meistens ohne Vernunft abgehandelt. Aber der ´Fliegende Untertassen´-Hype ist kein Zufall - und die Menschen aus den Zeitungswelt, Hollywood und der UFOlogie stehen als Dreieinigkeit sowie mit einem klaren Rollenverteilungsspiel mit ´Zuspielcharakter´ untereinander mit einem gemeinsamen Interesse an ´überirdischen´ Sensationen und Wundern dahinter.


´York residents report numerous UFO sightings´ berichtete ´The York Press´ ( ) auch aus der geöffneten Büchse der Pandora:


>A UFO expert says he has received numerous emails from people who have seen mysterious lights in the skies over York. Russ Kellett told today how he had been overwhelmed by the response since The Press published a short article last week about three UFO sightings early on New Year´s Day, and urged readers to contact him if they too had seen something. The newspaper said that big white balls of light had reportedly been seen over York Minster, the Pottery Lane area and near the university. Mr Kellett, of Filey, said he had since received 18 emails from people across the city who had also seen UFOs at that time, which was probably the second biggest response he had ever known to such an article.

He said one York person emailed him to say: "I had just finished work, so I sat down to smoke a cigarette on a bench outside, when I noticed a light above me to my left. As the object travelled towards me, I could see that there were tubes of lights coming from the underneath which were pulsating, but there was no sound. It travelled quite fast from my right to left where it went out of view. It was around 12.30 to 12.45 am." Another wrote: "I was in the garden saying good night to friends after our New Year´s party when my husband called me to come back outside to take a look at an object in the sky. The object was like a very big red ball in the sky. It seemed to stop in the sky for two or three minutes. Then it just disappeared." A third said they saw three very large circular objects, one of which moved off fast and disappeared while the other two just vanished, while a fourth said they saw an object in the sky while travelling towards Barlby on the A19. It then split up into three white balls of light and shot off at great speed.

But a woman from Wigginton has also come forward with a possible explanation for at least some of the sightings. Renee Smith told The Press she had lit a Chinese lantern and let it float into the sky early on New Year´s Day, in memory of her sister who had died of cancer early last year, and she thought some people might have mistaken it for a UFO. A spokesman for RAF Linton on Ouse said the base was closed over the New Year period, but he was not aware of any UFO sightings in the region.

Blowing in the wind... The York UFO reports follow claims that a wind turbine in Lincolnshire was wrecked after being hit by an unidentified flying object. Local residents have reported seeing a bright light on the morning it happened, prompting speculation that a UFO had caused the damage. But an expert has said the severance of a turbine blade may have been caused by a mechanical failure.<


´UFO mystery as lights baffle residents´ hieß die Headline bei der ´Mid Sussex Times´ ( ) - und dahinter steckt eine ganz große Verlagsgruppe, in all deren Zeitungen die gleiche Geschichte ebenso drin war - hierfür, eine Geschichte die Sie noch ´niemals´ vernommen haben und von der Sie auch ganz und gar nicht wissen, was dabei rauskommt - britische ´Journalisten´ erst recht noch nicht, wie auch (?!!!):


>Observer readers have been intrigued by mystery orange lights in the night sky above Aldwick. The sight of the unidentified objects has been the subject of many phone calls and emails in the past week from those eager to share their experiences. Elizabeth Hillier saw about a dozen of the lights in the sky above Aldwick Felds at about 10pm last Thursday, January 1. "It was quite bizarre," she said. "I got my husband and daughter to come out and have a look as well to make sure I wasn´t seeing things." She described the objects as travelling from the direction of the Royal Oak pub in North Bersted over to Rose Green. One of the lights was on its own in front. Then came another five, followed by the final six together. There was no pattern to the lights´ positions. "They were definitely not planes," said Mrs Hillier, whose daughter is an airline cabin crew member. There was no noise as they went across the sky. They seemed to get higher and higher before they went out of sight."

Earlier that day, Mary Churchill saw two orange lights over the Barrack Lane area as she looked up into the sky at 1.05am. She often sees the stars when she calls in her dog from her garden at night. On this occasion, the street lights were out to make the sky extremely black. "I saw the orange lights. They came from Bersted and went towards the sea. They were quite silent and moving very fast without making any noise. It was strange seeing them," she said. Aldwick resident Julie Neil was another to see an unusual phenomena in the sky early on new year´s day. In her case, she witnessed an orange object - like a large three-pointed star - as she travelled along Gossamer Lane at about 12.45am. The lack of noise from the object made her curious about it. Meanwhile, Gerry Gleed was in Felpham on Christmas Day and saw five orange orbs in the sky. The first two appeared at 5.25pm when he was in his car on his in-law´s driveway. The flickering objects were flying straight and level, one behind the other, as they silently headed south west.

They disappeared from sight behind houses after about five to ten seconds. He was outside again at 8.10pm and watched as three of the orbs travelled in the same manner due west. A degree holder in aeronautical engineering, he said: "In my opinion, these were controlled air vehicles of some kind - as the different directions of travel of the two groups would suggest. Drawing purely from my experience of watching light aircraft that constantly fly over my home in Littlehampton, I judged they were at an altitude of between 3,000-5,000 feet and, if I was correct with the altitude, they would be travelling at about 300 to 500 knots." He dismissed his initial thought that the objects were lanterns because they were flying very fast, straight and level. "I considered the weather conditions and there was little to no breeze at ground level and so thought it unlikely that there would be a wind of any strength at the low altitude that lanterns would be flying," he added.

Additional comments about the Observer story have come from places such as Rugby, Herts and Gloucestershire. A Felpham woman has also joined the Observer debate about unknown objects in the sky. Shirley Varndell reported her awe at seeing the mystery matter perform aerobatics above Felpham in the early afternoon of a mid-December day. "The only way I can describe it is that it looked like a Delta wing from a Vulcan bomber but it was more rounded and elongated than that," she said. "It was doing incredible aerobatic movements. I just stood there watching it. It was fairly big but it was moving very quickly, flipping back on itself. I don´t know what it was but it wasn´t an aeroplane and it wasn´t making a noise." She was just looking at the sky when she spotted the object in the clear sky between several clouds.<


Nachsatz WW: Wenn schon eine so klagende Schlagzeile wie ´UFO mystery as lights baffle residents´ getippt wird, ja dann - dann wird es in einer nationalen Aufklärungskampagene einfach mal allerhöchste Zeit die Leute über die Skylanterns und ihre UFO-Wirkung aufzuklären!!! Einfach machen! Also ran...


´UFO spotted over Hemel´ war die Headline in der ´Hemel Today´ ( - das kleine und unscheinbare Video von dem ganz großen Mystery dazu ist ebenso dort zu finden) für diese Story:


>Did you see a UFO in the skies above Hemel Hempstead last night? Tannsmore Close resident Curtis Miall did, and he and sent us this photo and video clip to prove it. He said: "It was about 10.20pm and we were watching TV. I just saw an orange sparkling light through the French windows - it looked like an orange star. It started moving across the sky. It was around for about five minutes - then it just went." Mr Miall´s sighting comes days after a wind turbine in Lincolnshire was damaged, sparking claims of a UFO collision. The incident in Conisholme in the early hours of Sunday (January 4) saw one 20m blade broken off the turbine and another blade badly damaged.

Have you spotted UFOs in Dacorum? Call the newsdesk on 01442 898450.<

´Anybody out there?´ kam es vom ´Slough & Langley Observer´ ( ) damit:

>Mysterious bright lights in the night sky have left residents wondering if the town really witnessed a festive visitor from far, far away. Calls confirming sightings of the unidentified flying object have been flooding in after stargazers in Dedworth shared their tales of the floating phenomenon. Gino Gaudio of Wolf Lane took some film on his mobile phone, and Scott Parkinson of Nelson Road on Monday sent in a picture taken around 10.30pm showing a series of lights across the skies on December 22. Residents have expressed mixed responses with some sharing stories of their close encounters, while others are convinced there must be a more rational explanation.A Windsor resident, who did not want to be named, provided a possible explanation. He said: "There is a church on the corner of Ruddlesways in Dedworth and they were having a celebration on that day. I walked pass at around 9.45pm that evening and they were releasing Chinese flying lanterns, about 40 or 50 of them. I think that´s what it must have been." The flying lanterns, which hover in the sky for about 20 minutes and can travel several miles before their flame goes out, have been a common explanation for tales of the floating phenomenon.

Astronomers often express uncertainty as to the existence of UFOs and chairman of The Herschel Astronomical Society, Ian Bruce, remained sceptical about the sightings. He said: "Venus has often been mistaken for UFOs over the years because one day it is there and then it is not. You see this bright light in the sky. That is almost certainly what people are seeing. I was taking pictures the other night and I got a UFO through it, and that was an aircraft. We do see odd things, sometimes you see owls flying in the sky illuminated by street lights. I have certainly seen that on occasions and thought ´what was that?´ With these things there is a rational explanation." {Von Skylanterns sagt er gar nichts, obwohl auch in England das UFO Nr.1, auch er kennt die Dinger nicht!}

Observer readers have been calling in to tell us about their own close encounters: Janet Georghiou of Monks Road, Windsor, said: "My son and I saw them. There were loads of them, about 12 or 15. First they came in a line then they weaved around each other before they disappeared." William Hayes, 23, said: "I was on my way back from the gym with a friend. We were on St Leonard´s Hill when we noticed six or seven lights moving in an erratic way." Trisha Moss, 61, of Caversham said: "About 10 of us were outside our homes on New Year´s Eve at about 12.20am. They looked like orange triangles in the sky. We went through all the options of what they could be flames, laser show and various aircraft, but could not explain them. I actually looked up and said to the rest of the group ´we have some UFOs for 2009´." Linda Keet, 54, of Evernham Road, Iver, said: "I saw the same thing in September. They came across in rows of three or four, no noise, no nothing. When they reached a certain height they disappeared. I wrote to the Northolt RAF base and they said there was nothing happening that night."

Jennifer Steele, 74, of Vine Road, Stoke Poges, said: "On Boxing Day evening we were driving home when we saw this light in the sky. I thought, ´that´s not an aircraft´. It didn´t move, it just stayed in one spot. I got home and got out the binoculars. It stayed there for about two hours. I saw lights come off it and go when I was watching it. Around the edge it was all bright white lights and red and green on the inside." People have also been commenting on the Observer´s website, from near and far... Heike, said: "My family and I have also seen a triangle formation and have also filmed it but it was 00:15 on January 1, in Germany {! - klar, die flüchten geradezu ins momentane europäische UFO-Disney-Land England, um ja nicht mit der Erklärung von Himmelslaternen konfrontiert zu werden}." Steve Ackrell said: "I live in Iver Heath and saw something on December 11 at 9.30pm. It lasted about five minutes in total, but I am still baffled by it. I was driving home along Bangors Road on my way home and saw two bright orange orbs flying towards me from north to south. I initially thought they were planes until I saw the size of them. I got out of the car and they flew above me at speed from north to south and headed upward. "Then from speed they both stopped dead and then drifted towards the moon. They hovered there for about two minutes then disappeared upward and out of sight. I have never seen any craft move in this fashion before and certainly not come to a sudden stop from speed and not make a sound. I certainly didn´t believe in these sights before, but I do now." Dave Rowles said: "We live in Isleworth. We saw these orange glowing lights over our back garden on 11pm Christmas Eve. There were nine lights travelling in formation in one direction at a regular speed, no sound, heading from north to south. We couldn´t work out what they were, but we were totally transfixed. They were not aircraft or fireworks. I wish we had taken video footage now, as it was a truly unexplainable site.

An astonishing sight and a once-in-a-lifetime moment? Perhaps not...

"I read with interest and amusement your cover story entitled ´Close Encounter?´ this morning. I did indeed have a close encounter of this kind on New Year´s Eve. Attending a private fireworks display in Horton, we spotted a mysterious bright light in the distance. Cries of alarm were made by several highly-strung women, a Doctor Who? fan speculated that this would be exactly the manner in which the overlords of Rassilon 8 would attack and seek to dominate the earth, ruddy faced children cooed and the cat merely blinked with scornful disdain. As the object approached the tension rose - eyes strained into the darkness of the middle distance and speculations continued until the object became lodged in one of the trees in the garden. Alas, it was only a small hot air balloon of inexpensive manufacture which proceeded to immolate itself in the branches. I was overwhelmed by the pathos and was on the point of constructing a fitting cultural analogy when one of the children said: ´Well, that was crap´ - out of the mouths of babes . . .", Ian McClary<


Wen will es so wirklich wundern, wenn schon die Industrie-Presse aus Promotion-Gründen zu PR-Maßnahmen mit der englischen UFO-Welle greift:

>Liverpool man films UFOs on his N95!

There´s been a lot of talk in the British press about UFO sightings in recent weeks, and thanks to one man and his trusty N95, we can see what all the fuss is about. Yes, one eagle-eyed chap from Liverpool has managed to catch some very odd airborne lights using his Nok´s video app. Vincent Pybis told the BBC he spotted two unidentified flying objects over some bushes, so like any right-thinking person would do he pulled out his N95 to film them. Having never used the video camera, it took him ten minutes to get it working (he must not be a NokNok reader) - by which time the number of lights had reached seven. You can see Vincent´s footage {vom23.6.2008!} here - . Now, if you´ll excuse us we´re off to get some snaps of Bigfoot on our N82. Wish us luck!<

Nach: Nokia-Firmenpresse,


Ausnahmen..., aber es sind nur Ausnahmen...


Das ´Derry Journal´ ( ) meldete dagegen dies:


>UFO explained: it was Chinese sky lanterns!

It was described as an ´orange ball of light´, that led to stargazers around the country claiming it was an unidentified flying object, but when one Journal reader saw the story she felt compelled to confess and tell the truth. The woman, preferring to remain anonymous, said the ball of orange was actually Chinese sky lanterns she released just before 5pm on Christmas Day. Almost the size of a wheelie bin at 103cm high the lanterns are commonly used for weddings and other celebrations. They glow orange due to a flame, and operate like a hot air balloon. "They go until they burn themselves out. They´re great craic," said the woman, who said she let off three paper lanterns just before 5pm on Christmas Day, when the reports were made. Despite claims the ball of orange was a UFO, the woman is adamant it was her lanterns. "My son said I should say nothing, but I knew I had to ring up and tell the truth."

The woman who sold the lanterns was Derry woman Clare McElhinney, of Angel Fire Sky Lanterns. It is not the first time she has been blamed for possible UFO sightings. When she heard about the latest reports, she laughed. "People automatically think it´s a UFO, but I´m sorry to disappoint them." Last year, the same thing happened at a wedding in Dublin when Chinese sky lanterns were let off. The incident was reported widely on the internet and was even the highlight of a paranormal convention. The much publicised and discussed ´UFOs´ were actually Chinese sky lanterns released by a local couple as a romantic end to their perfect day. Nonetheless, since the ´Journal´ reported on the ball of orange, several readers have called about other strange sightings from Dungiven to Limavady.<


´County UFO mystery finally solved´ schrieb der ´Shropshire Star´ ( ) über seine heutige Geschichte:


>These pictures solve the mystery of the unidentified flying objects which floated across the sky near Ludlow at Christmas. The bright orange apparitions astonished residents in the area and even prompted a call to police. But the Jennings family today admitted their Chinese sky lanterns must have caused the scare. It followed an article in the Shropshire Star on Wednesday which reported several sightings of strange orange lights. From The Wrekin to Llanymynech, and Ludlow to Pontesbury, the weird UFOs mystified Shropshire Star readers.

Ludlow lorry driver David Reddard called the police after seeing one light on Christmas Eve, one on Christmas Day and three on Friday last week near Tinker´s Hill. Retained firefighter Phillip Juson, of Ludlow, saw lights in the same location on Sunday night. The original Star article suggested one possible explanation was the growing popularity of Chinese-style "sky lanterns" or "UFO balloons". And Ludlow resident Diane Jennings today confirmed that Chinese lanterns were the explanation. She said: "We did wonder if they would be mistaken for UFOs. They are quite big and they last a long time when lit and can go up to 1,000 ft. Much better value than fireworks. I hope that explains it, anyway!"<


Harrogate UFO scare "just lanterns" - so meldete es der ´Harrogate Advertiser´ ( ):


>Strange objects hovering over Bilton may not be the work of aliens after all. Reader Maureen Withers spotted the unusual objects in the sky at around 7.30pm on Christmas Day. She said: "It was a bit frightening because it was something that we have never experienced before." But it looks like there´s a more mundane explanation. Website readers are certain the strange sights are nothing more than Chinese lanterns. "Sorry to spoil the fun," said Tom Lawlor. "But they weren´t aliens. They are Christmas lanterns. Basically you get a large paper or plastic bag to make a hot air balloon, put a candle in to heat the air up and let it go.

Lanterns: "There were quite a few around over Christmas and the New Year and there are a few pictures and videos on YouTube and Facebook of them being made." Fellow web reader Andrew Pierce wrote: "There have been lots of lanterns with flames inside them being let off from the Headingley/West Park area of Leeds. Perhaps these could explain this situation?" And James Hinchcliffe confirmed the decidely down-to-Earth phenomenon: "I saw these over Harrogate from Follifoot on New Year´s Eve," he said.<


Zweiter Pressenachschub am Freitagnachmittag

Erstaunlich: Totale UFO-Gier - selbst im deutschsprachigen Raum. Am frühen Freitagabend fiel mir auf, dass in Österreich die apa nochmals am Nachmittag um 15:30 h nachgelegt hatte (und der ´Kurier´ zugriff - ), um der Presse für Samstag UFO-Material in die Hände zu geben - und zwar zur selben Geschichte, um die es hier geht! Auch die BILD langte nochmals hin, nachdem in der heutigen Ausgabe nur ein normaler, kleiner Artikel enthalten war, war offenbar für das Wochenende noch ein Spass-Schmankerl nachgebuttert worden: .

Deutschland aktuell, um uns nicht zu vergessen:


´Vatikan tagt zur Suche nach Außerirdischen´ meldete die WELT ( ) und führte dazu aus:


>Der Vatikan befasst sich zum "Internationalen Jahr der Astronomie" auch mit der Suche nach außerirdischen Lebewesen. Die Päpstliche Wissenschaftsakademie veranstaltet im November eine Studienwoche über Astrobiologie. Diese Disziplin, die Lebensbedingungen im Universum untersucht, war bereits 2005 Thema einer internationalen Sommerakademie der Päpstlichen Sternwarte in Castelgandolfo.

Das Vatikan-Observatorium ist laut Mitteilung des päpstlichen Presseamtes auch Gast bei der offiziellen Eröffnung des Uno-Gedenkjahres, das an die Forschungen Galileo Galileis vor 400 Jahren erinnert. Der Festakt findet am kommenden Donnerstag am Hauptsitz der Unesco in Paris statt. Zum Jahr der Astronomie plant der Vatikan eine Reihe weiterer Initiativen. Im Frühjahr gibt die Päpstliche Sternwarte einen Band über Astronomie und den Vatikan heraus. Die an ein breiteres Publikum adressierte Veröffentlichung schildert die Tätigkeit des international renommierten Forschungsinstituts und die Geschichte der Beziehungen zwischen kirchlichem Lehramt und Astronomie.

Im Juni veranstaltet die Päpstliche Sternwarte ein internationales Symposium über die Rolle der Astronomie in der Gesellschaft. Die einwöchige Fachtagung richtet sich an Absolventen der Sommerakademien für Nachwuchswissenschaftler der Astrophysik, die seit 1986 in Castelgandolfo stattfinden. Die Vatikanischen Museen eröffnen im Oktober eine Sonderausstellung zur Geschichte der astronomischen Forschung. Gezeigt werden Dokumente und wissenschaftliche Instrumente seit der Zeit vor Galilei. Unter anderem sollen auch die historischen Fotoaufnahmen der Vatikan-Sternwarte für die "Carte du Ciel" von 1892 zu sehen sein - den ersten fotografischen Atlas des Himmels.<


´UFO´ nannte sich eine eMail von Sara H. und sie schrieb: " Ich wollte mal fragen, ob ihr am Silvesterabend zwischen 21.20 und 21.30 Uhr Anrufe wegen einem roten Punkt bekommen habt, der in Essen zu sichten war. Meines Erachtens, war es keines von dieses Skylaternen, dafür flog es nur ein paar Millimeter und blieb dann plötzlich stehen und fing an...aus und an zu gehen bis es dann schliesslich erlosch. Ich möchte gerne mal wissen, ob ihr Zugriff auf ein Radar habt, das anzeigt, ob ein Flugzeug gerade auf irgendeiner Laufbahn ist. Denn gerade eben um 19 Uhr habe ich wieder diesen seltsamen Punkt am Himmel gesichtet. Wäre es möglich das ihr es verfolgen könnt?"


Um etwa 21:45 h erreichte mich Lisa D. aus Königstein, die gegen 21:15 h zusammen mit ihren Lebenspartner glaubte die "sensationelle Beobachtung von 6 orange-roten Meteoriten" gemacht zu haben, die komischer Weise aber um die 3 Minuten wie "brennend" und geräuschlos durch den Himmel zogen.

Um kurz nach 22 h meldete sich Florian G. aus Konstanz, weil er um gegen 20:30 h glaubte eine "unglaubliche Beobachtung" gemacht zu haben - weil da über der Stadt etwa "ein Dutzend oder mehr rot-golden-glühender Leuchtkörper" minutenlang geräuschlos in den Himmel hineinzogen und dann "irgendwie vergingen". Soetwas hatte er noch niemals gesehen und war recht perplex drauf, als er sich meldete. Als wir dann uns zu YouTube und dem Hameln-Video näherten, war er noch mehr verblüfft und wurde ziemlich ausflippend laut, weil "genau dass war es vorhin, genaus dass!" Ich erklärte ihm, was diese Objekte waren und überließ ihn dann dem weiteren YouTube-Gucken unter den Stichwort Himmelslaternen... Kurz vor 22:45 h rief Kora G. aus Berlin an, die zuammen mit ihrem Freund (neben dem Telefon) etwa eine Stunde zuvor etwa 10 orangene Leucht-UFOs "gemütlich über und in den Himmel hinein" für etwa 5 Minuten sah, lautlos natürlich. Dies kam den beiden jetzt aber ziemlich EXTREM vor, weil sie gegen 0:30 h bis 1 h in der Silvesternacht schon einmal genau derartige Objekte an verschiedenen Stellen des Himmels über Berlin dahinschweben sahen und dies "irgendwie mit dem Feuerwerk" in Verbindung brachten, "auch wenn dies total anders aussah, trotzdem". Aber jetzt war Silvester Vergangenheit und trotzdem tauchten schon wieder solche Körper unerwartet auf, was war es nur?


Es geht einfach so weiter... Eisbär Knut kennt jeder, aber Himmelslaternen als UFO-Sichtungserzeuger sind und bleiben ein öffentliches Informations-Problem. So gesehen sind die deutschen Medien zu zögerlich und in Verbindung mit dem englischen UFO-Problem, was soll ich da noch weiter sagen? Ist ja alles ganz klar. Vor einigen Tagen bereits hatte ich die anderen hiesigen UFO-Gruppen aufgerufen, deswegen aus der Versenkung aufzustehen und klare Kante zu ziehen, aber ich habe nichts als Echo dazu vernommen. Dies ist einfach superschwach, mindestens.


Kurz vor 23:30 h meldete sich Ruth Z. aus Leipzig ziemlich durch den Wind, da sie gegen 21 h ein Paar rötlicher Leuchtobjekte vom Balkon aus hat in den Himmel aufsteigen sehen, die in den nächsten Minuten lautlos einfach fast gerade in den Himmel hochzogen und dort immer kleiner werdend "wie kleine Sterne verschwanden und eindeutig aussahen, als wenn da zwei Objekte in den Weltraum flogen". Na also, was mag dies jenseits von ´Fliegenden Untertassen´ sonst gewesen sein? Gell? Aber ernsthaft, vielen Lesern wird aufgrund dieser Ausführung längst klar sein, was da wirklich sich am Nachthimmel bewegte. Frau Z. war dennoch sehr erstaunt, die Lösung zu hören, weil sie noch niemals zuvor etwas von Himmelslaternen/MHBs gehört hatte... Ein Herr aus Lohne rief kurz vor Mitternacht an, weil er ebenso gegen 21 h eine für ihn aufregende Sichtung mache, weil "da vier gelb-rote-leuchtende UFOs einige Minuten lang quer durch den Himmel zogen - und dies total geräuschlos bevor sie wie, ich sage mal, ´verloschen´!" Also auch hier - alles wie gehabt. Auch das Erstaunen des Mannes. Aber dazu muss ich nochmals auch was im gesamten Rückblick auf den Problemkreis MHBs (Miniaturheißluftballons) sagen:


Es ist das eine, wenn die Leute erstmals etwas von Himmelslaternen hören, die sie bisher gar nicht kannten. Gut, deswegen sehen sie ja auch ´UFOs´ - für sie unidentifizierte Flugobjekte. Dann das andere: die Menschen (auch die allgemeinen UFO-Diskutanten, und die sogar noch mehr als die direkten Zeugen) verstehen dies auch immer wieder falsch und glauben an flatterhafte Luftballons mit DEREN aerodynamischen Eigenschaften oder auch an echte Heißluftballons (mit Korb untendran indem Fahrgäste durch die Gegend fahren) und DEREN Eigenschaften unter dem Umstand der Massenträgheit. Doch genau dies ist in Sachen Himmelslaternen falsch, da jene Objekte keinswegs mit ihren Eigenschaften weder mit Luftballons noch mit den normalen Heißluftballons zu vergleichen sind - und eine Sonderform zwischen beiden darstellen, somit auch spezielle dynamische Eigenschaften in ihrer Erscheinungsform am Himmel mit sich bringen! Dies ist quasi deren ´UFO-Wirkungseffekt´, der die Menschen ´beeindruckt´. Dazu zählt an oberster Stelle die falsche Vorstellung, dass die unbekannten Objekte groeß Dinger hoch am Himmel sind und entsprechend schnell fliegen - meistens im Flugzeuggeschwindigkeitsbereich - während die in Wirklichkeit um die 500 Meter hoch fliegen, vom Wind getragen und das bisschen eigener Drift durch den Vortrieb, welcher eben durch den ´Motor´ (dem Brenner innen} enststeht. Da sie praktisch kaum Masse haben (grob gesagt ist eine Tafel Schokolade schwerer als eine Himmelslaterne), unterliegen sie natürlich auch nicht der Massenträgheit und reagieren auf lokale Windveränderungen wie z.B. Böen sofort, was natürlich unheimlich aussieht und einem heißluftballonartigen Körper keineswegs zugetraut werden kann! Nur sind die Wunschlaternen im Vergleich dazu wahrhaft nur Spielzeug mit eigenen aerodynamischen Spielregeln!


Himmlische Wünsche nach ´UFO-Geld´...


Keine 30 Sekunden hatte ich das Telefon wieder eingehängt - und schon kurz nach 9 h meldete sich das Ehepaar H. aus Neustadt a.d.Aisch ziemlich aufgeregt, weil man seit 2 h in der Nacht stundenlang nichts weniger als ein UFO am Himmel beobachtet und 1 1/2 Stunden lang sogar mit Video gefilmt habe. Am Himmel selbst sah es einfach aus wie ein "großer weißer Punkt, der immer wieder gelb, grün und rötlich schimmerte", aber mit dem Zoom der Kamera "nahe herangeholt, wie eine große irrisierende Scheibe mit einen schwarzen Kern aussah". Gegen 3:45 h sei das UFO dann langsam gegen SW über den Bäumen herunterkommend mehr und mehr verschwunden, und um 4:15 h nicht mehr zu sehen gewesen. Es habe alles so toll und spektakulär ausgeschaut, wenn ich jetzt nun den Film haben wolle, man würde mir gegen 500 Euro einen zweiminütigen Ausschnitt davon zur Verfügung stellen, damit ich das UFO bestätigen könne. Dann wollten die H.´s das "UFO-Beweismaterial" den Fernsehsendern der Welt verkaufen und fragten schon mal nach, was man da verlangen könne! Hmm. Als ich nachfragte, wie sie den darauf kämen, gaben sie frank und frei zu, wegen den UFOs aus England, über die sie im Fernsehen via Satellitenschüssel gestern so viel gesehen haben! Eigentlich hatte ich ja gemeint, wie sie darauf kämen, dass das Objekt am Himmel ein UFO sei, aber na gut... Schlußendlich ist es ja kein echtes UFO was sie sahen, sondern einfach nur der hellste Stern am Himmel mit dem Namen Sirius - aber dies wollten sie nicht akzeptieren, weil ein Stern "ja nicht rund um Himmel erscheint und dann als große irrisierende Scheibe mit einem dunklen Kern". Als ich ihnen aber erklärte, dass das einfach nur ein optischer Effekt des falsch eingestellten Zooms ist, kam sofort die totale Frustration bei ihnen auf und schlagartig wurden sie leise und sprachen nur noch stockend - da gab es ganz dicke Stücke zu schlucken...als das himmlische ´UFO-Geld´ davonschwamm.* - Nebenbei erhielt Roland Gehard am Freitagabend um 21:53 h diese Nachfrage von Ute L.C. betreffs ´UFO?´: "... seit ca. 10 Min. sehe ich über dem Sternenhimmel in Kassel in südliche Richtung schauend ein Gebilde, stillstehend in veschiedenen Farben leuchtend im Nachthimmel. Kann mir nicht erklären was es ist, kann ein Stern so vielfarbig leuchten oder könnten wir es tatsächlich mit einem Raumschiff zu tun haben? Falls jemand da noch sehen sollte so wäre ich um Rückmeldung dankbar." Ebenfalls der Sirius.


Gegen 15 h meldete sich ein Herr aus einem Dorf gleich hinter Dreieich, weil er mal "dringend etwas gerne nachfragen würde". Gerade in den letzten Frühabendstunden sieht der laufend bei eiskalter, sternklarer Nacht ein für ihn erstaunliches "intensiv-goldsilbriges Licht, heller und größer als alle Sterne" und als er es jemals sah, stundenlang hoch am Himmel - dann im Zuge der Zeit runterkommend. Ab etwa 17 h ist es am blauen Himmel schon schwach zu sehen, aber je dunkler es wird, "knallt es durch und bis die Sterne kommen, dauert es noch eine ganz Weile". Auch jener Mann hatte seine Probleme die Himmelsrichtung anzugeben, sodass ich mal wieder den alten Trick zur Orientierung anwenden musste - im Osten geht die Sonne auf, im Westen geht sie unter. Nach etwas hin und her einigen wir uns a) darauf, dass das der SW ist und b) versprach ich ihm, dass das "intensiv-goldsilbrige" Licht auch heute in der Abenddämmerung wieder da sein wird. "Meinen Sie...?", kam es von dem Hessen etwas erstaunt, weil 1) ich gar nicht verwundert über seine Beobachtung war und 2) es ihm so schien, als kenne ich die Erscheinung! Da musste ich also auspacken und das Venus-Geheimnis verraten (obwohl ich ihn noch etwas zappeln lassen wollte und darum bitten, mich heute Abend während der Sichtung direkt anzurufen). Nun, daran hatte er noch gar nicht gedacht, sondern viel eher an einen neu-positionierten amerikanischen (optionell auch ein russischer!), geheimen Spionagesatelliten wegen dem Gaza-Konflikt - und genauso hatte er es auch schon anderen Leuten ´verkauft´, weswegen einige Nachbarn und Freunde schon jeden Abend ebenfalls ´Geheim-Satellitenschauen´ sind... Heijeijei.


Gegen 18:15 h rief mich ein Herr aus Brauweiler an, der gerade einen "hellen Satelliten" stillstehend hoch oben am SW-Himmel im Blick hatte, und das schon seit 17:30 h. So hell habe er noch nie einen Satelliten gesehen und zudem noch stillstehend, deswegen fürchtete er, dass dieser Satellit bald herunterfallen würde - und da könnte doch was passieren. Eindeutig hatte er keine Ahnung über einen Reentry-Vorgang, was auch nicht wirklich verwunderlich ist - den meisten Menschen wird selbst der Begriff `Reentry´ schon ein unbekanntes Fremdwort sein und auch mit ´Wiedereintrittskörper´ wird kaum jemand etwas anfangen können. Aber sowieso egal, da es der Planet Venus als Abendstern ist...


Was dem einen sein Satellit am Himmel, ist in Frankreich einem anderen sein himmlisches ´Osterei´ - - aufgrund der totalen vereierten Zoomeinstellung. Oder an diesem Abend im italienischen La Spezia sein eigenes UFO, so unspektakulär es ausschaut - . Gell, was es auch alles venusiell gibt!


Was ´orange ball´ a UFO? - so war die Headline in der ´Nottingham Evening Post´ ( ) für diese Geschichte:


>An Arnold man has reported a further sighting of a UFO - a fortnight before two other sightings. Jamie Huckerby, 32, saw an orange ball in the sky above Carlton, remarkably similar to a sighting above Sawley on December 30. A row of four orange dots was also seen above Whitemoor on New Year´s Eve. After the Evening Post reported on these sightings, dozens of readers came forward to say they had also seen the strange lights on these days. But Mr Huckerby says he and a group of friends saw the orange glow on December 11, while playing football next to Carlton Forum Leisure Centre.

Some people have attributed the orange glows to Chinese paper lanterns, but Mr Huckerby said the glow he saw was the size of a hot air balloon, without the basket underneath {! - eben, genauso sehen Miniaturheißluftballons aus - er weiß nur nicht, von was er schwätzt - eine immer wieder festzustellende ´Krankheit´ bei UFO-Zeugen}. The 32-year-old lifeguard said: "I looked up and saw a big orange ball in the sky. I said ´what´s that in the sky´ and I expected them to say it was an aeroplane. It was coming towards us, then went to it´s left, and then it was gone." Mr Huckerby estimated that the object was flying about 200ft high. "It was bright orange. That´s one of the things that caught my eye. It was there for a couple of minutes."<


´Dinner group claim they saw UFO in skies over Cambridge´ war die Headline bei den ´Cambridge News´ ( ) hierfür:


>A group of friends in Cambridge claim to have spotted a UFO similar to that which allegedly caused damage to a wind farm turbine in Lincolnshire only a few days earlier. Tracy Moran and five others, who had been dining at d´Arry´s Wine Shop in King Street, noticed the object hovering in the sky on Wednesday night at about 11.15pm. The group had just left the wine bar and stepped out on to the street when they spotted "something orange" above them. Tracy said: "I pointed to it and said I thought it was a small plane that had caught on fire. It looked like a fireball, and I expected to see it crash to the ground, but it maintained its altitude. I have never seen anything like it."

Another member of the group, Karen Clare, described the object as "a burning orange light in the sky, which after a few minutes faded and disappeared". She went on: "We thought it was a plane on fire at first but it just floated about, didn´t plummet to the ground, and made no noise so we guessed it wasn´t. We were all transfixed." The sighting came only a few days after a turbine at Conisholme, in Lincolnshire, lost one 20m blade while another was badly damaged after a mystery aircraft was seen hovering above. A county councillor for the area told the BBC he had seen a round white light with a slight red edge to it that seemed to be hovering. Ecotricity, which owns the site, said the extent of the damage was "unique".

Tracy continued: "When I saw the video of the UFO story on the BBC, I realised the image was of the same thing I saw on Wednesday. It would be nice to learn what it was." Ecotricity is considering metal fatigue and the possibility a large piece of ice may have fallen from a passing plane which could have caused the damage. A fireworks display could also account for the lights.<


Zur Auflockerung zwischendurch, damit wir sehen um was es eigentlich geht: - .


´More UFO sightings shake Suffolk´ schrieb der ´Evening Star´ ( ) und stellte sich extrem-dumm an als man irreführend chinesische Strassendeko-Lampions als Illustration dazu zeigte - wie es die gleiche Zeitung es schon einmal machte -, was natürlich kein normaler Leser als Erklärung akzeptieren wird, weil er gar nicht verstehen kann, wie DIESE Strassendeko-Lampions plötzlich ein Eigenleben führen sollten und als Skylanterns unterwegs sind (was sie natürlich auch nicht machen):

>Strange lights in the sky over the Suffolk countryside are set to spark fresh excitement over little green men and flying saucers. UFO watchers believe the county is a gateway to the universe - a portal for visiting alien craft - with many reported sightings of unexplained phenomena over the years. The latest sighting of four balls of light travelling slowly across the landscape from Grundisburgh towards the Mendlesham mast comes at a time when similar unexplained lights have been seen over Cumbria and Fife in Scotland. In addition, a strange light was seen in the sky shortly before a 213ft wind turbine in Lincolnshire suffered serious damage in a mysterious incident.

But the Suffolk lights may be easier to explain as they were seen on New Year´s Eve and early New Year´s Day - and could have been Chinese lanterns floating across the landscape on light winds. Felicity Tack, of The Street, Framsden, saw three fireballs of light together and fourth not far away at about 12.30am on January 1. "They were quite large and just moving very slowly across the sky - three of them above the A1120 and another over towards the Mendlesham mast," she said. "They were like red balls of light, very bright indeed. My husband and I watched them for about ten minutes. At first we thought they were helicopters but there was no sound and we have no idea what they were." Another woman at Grundisburgh reported seeing the same number of lights drifting in the sky near her home four hours earlier at about 8.30pm. One motorist, who drove into Ipswich, to pick up his daughter from New Year celebrations, said the lights could easily have been Chinese lanterns. "The sky was full of lanterns floating around wherever you looked," he said.

In Cumbria, families reported seeing strange lights on December 28 but are sure they were not Chinese lanterns as some moved very fast and vanished, others converging together. Investigations are currently taking place into the damage to the wind turbine at Conisholme, Lincs, which ripped one blade off the machine and left another mangled. Theories include a UFO hitting it, a mechanical failure, and ice falling from an aircraft. The Ministry of Defence does not investigate UFO sightings - only checking what military aircraft might have been in the area.<


´UFOs head for county to join festive celebrations´ hieß es bei den ´Kentnews´ ( ). Im ersten Moment dachte ich, das man entweder die so oder so anliegende englische dpa-Meldung oder die Ananova-Meldung darauf basierend endlich mal aufgefunden, ausgegraben oder darauf zurückgegriffen hat und nun mal 1 + 1 zusammenzählte, doch Pfeiffendeckel - viel lieber wurde wieder mal im I-Net rumgekramt, um eine UFO-Story ziehen zu können und die Flucht vor der Aufklärungs-Info zu begehen (oder es steckt einfach unprofessionelle Dummheit bei Presse-Profis im ´X-Files´-Rausch dahinter:


>The truth may be out there, and it could be over the skies of Kent during Christmas following reports of mysterious UFOs. One happened at 8.30pm on Christmas Day when a resident said they saw "four silent lights". The sighting was reported on a popular UFO website called HBCC. The witness said the shape of objects could not be determined because it was dark. They said there were "four silent lights travelling in the sky, in formation, straight line. Spaced apart enough so light will not reveal form of objects within its proximity. I took photos on mobile, usual story as mobile will not take perfect picture. "I do not wish to go public with my name. This was an observation, this is reported so movement can be calculated if any one else has seen the same. Hopefully a pattern will emerge." And at 6.45pm on December 28, three people saw "round balls of fire" over Strood. One wrote on another website, UFOINFO: "I am not sure in honesty what this was, I don´t even believe in UFOs but I must admit that I am baffled. I was standing outside the front of my house with my sister when we saw a bizarre orange light in the sky. It was moving rather quickly and did not seem to be at a tremendous altitude. It was absolutely silent and quite disconcerting. It seemed to be moving at about the speed of a helicopter, however at the altitude it appeared to be at a helicopter would have been clearly audible. After 30 seconds meandering across the sky it stopped and then curved about 20 degrees in movement. Then after a brief pause of 10 seconds it appeared to increase in altitude at a pretty fast rate. It dimmed to red and disappeared with very little warning in a matter of 10 seconds."

And on December 30 over Rochester, someone reports seeing at 6.30pm one or two angular, triangle shaped objects which were very bright. They wrote the "objects very close together very bright. Thought maybe aircraft but no jet noise or landing lights. Seemed to be high up, moved off very quickly in SW direction."<


Nachbetrachtung WW:


Ist es Ihnen auch schon aufgefallen? Während die ganze UFOlogie es laufend von einem UFO-Cover-Up - der Unterdrückung von UFO-Meldungen hat -, um ihr Thema mehr Spannung und Würze zu geben, ist es in England ganz anders, da sind nicht nur vom Verteidigungsministerium immer wieder UFO-Melde-Unterlagen schubweise freigegeben, sondern derzeiten unvergleichlich mit dem Rest der Welt gibt es einen richtiggehenden, ungehemmten UFO-Berichterstattung-Exhibitionismus! Die UFO-Geilheit herrscht auf der großen Insel - oder sagen wir es familienfreundlicher, der ufologische Rinderwahnsinn tobt! Es ist heutzutage "UFO-Sehen" (wegen nicht-erkannten Himmelslaternen) genauso ein riesiger ´Volkssport´ geworden, wie einst "Nessie-Sehen" - und genau wird es von Volk und Presse genommen. Ich bin der Überzeugung, dass dies die richtige kulturspezifisch und psychokulturelle Betrachtung für die ganze Situation auf der Exzentriker-Insel ist. Früher hatten die ihre wunderlichen Gnome und Fehen, dann Nessie und jetzt haben die "orange-roten UFO-Kugeln" die Ersatzfunktion dafür übernommen. Die Briten lieben ihre Märchenfiguren eben, deswegen gibt es dazu keinen gesunden Menschenverstand und den rationalen Umgang damit.


...das verfälschte kollektive Bewusstsein...


Was früher die ´Ritter der Tafelrunde´ in der symbolischen Bedeutung für die Engländer waren, sind heute die "Akte X"-Agenten Mulder und Scully. Ja, ich denke auch, dass sobald man diese Kultur-Soziologie begriffen hat, kann man als Nicht-Brite auch verstehen, warum die sich dort gegen alle Aufklärung immunisiert haben - und diesen nationalen Widerstand ausbilden, um sich diese spezielle Inspiration nicht nehmen zu lassen. Dies ist nur liebgemeinte Behütung der Mär und eine Märchen-Schutzmaßnahme! Klar, nur in einem solchen Land konnte ´Harry Potter´ zur Welt kommen und groß werden, um kultische Verehrung zu erfahren. Dies muss man begreifen und verstehen lernen, in den letzten paar Tagen reifte dies als Fundamental-Erkenntnis über die ´Flying Saucerers´ und ihrem seltsamen Umgang mit dem dortigen offen-öffentlichen UFO-Problem heran. Deswegen gibt es auch in England dieses ewige Katz-und-Maus-Spiel wie bei Tom und Jerry als ´Nationalsport´... Kein Wunder {sic!} also auch, das noch niemand etwas im schon länger als Deutschland von Skylanterns verseuchten Britannien von einem Himmelslaternen-Verbot gehört hat, im reglementierungswütigen und nüchternen Old Germany ist es da schon ganz anders... Hierzulande haben wir zwar auch ein ´UFO-Problem´ der massenhaften Meldeart aufgrund der selben IFOs, aber es ist nie ´offen-öffentlich´ geworden, weil es ganz einfach nicht in der Presse ist! Dass ist der grundlegende Unterschied, den man auch einfach mal begreifen muss. Bei uns ist dieses "UFO-/IFO-Problem" privatisiert, sagen wir mal so. Obwohl die Dimensionen genauso wie in England sind, dort aber auf der Strasse durch die Medien als Multiplikatoren der Massen-Wahrnehmung des UFO-Phänomens vorgetragen, hierzulande läuft dies alles eher wie "daheim" ab obwohl es tatsächlich UFO-Meldungen massenhaft und wie niemals zuvor derzeiten (seit viel mehr als eineinhalb Jahren!) gibt. Oder etwa nicht? Na also! Offen-öffentlich sind UFOs eigentlich hierzulande nie ein richtiges Thema gewesen, wenn man den Vergleich zu anderen Nationen im Westen aufmacht. Daher gibt hier auch keine ´UFO-Kultur´ in dem Sinne. WW


UFOs jetzt auch über Kanada...

"Man witnesses ´odd´ sighting in Vaughan sky - UFO researcher says cluster of red lights ´weird´" hieß es im ´Georgina Advocate´ ( ) und wir lesen auch von dort - uns nur zu gut- und wohbekanntes:


>Carmine Montemarano saw it and he wants to know if you saw it, too. It was on Dec. 26 about a half an hour or so before midnight, when something that looked like fireworks caught Mr. Montemarano´s eye. He was standing outside in the driveway of his cousin´s house on a quiet street in the Major MacKenzie and Islington area of Kleinburg, bidding goodnight to relatives after a Christmas gift exchange. "There was five or six bunched up bright, red lights," he said. "They were a little bit bigger than stars, and they were pretty far up there." Both Mr. Montemarano and his cousin, Carmine, stared at the cluster of lights for a good five or six minutes, he said. They tried to capture images on an iPhone but the objects were too far away. The pair then watched as they flickered, and vanished. And no, they weren´t drinking that night, Mr. Montemarano said. "Whether or not it´s alien related, I don´t know, but it was definitely a UFO," he said.

Yes, that´s unidentified flying object. And by the sounds of it, pretty darn odd, according to Brian Vike, a UFO researcher who runs the popular Canadian website from his Houston, British Columbia home. Mr. Vike said there´s been a spike in reported sightings since Jan. 1, particularly in the United Kingdom {!}. And while he said about 95 per cent of those cases can be rationally explained as people having seen either a meteor, fireball, satellite or an airplane {! - ´skylanterns´ als UFO Nr.1 derzeit erwähnt er nicht}, Mr. Montemarano´s report "is getting into the more weird. This sounds like a totally different ballgame and it´s unusual {?}," Mr. Vike said. So far this year, Mr. Vike´s website has logged a reported 418 sightings worldwide of unidentified flying objects, 130 of which came from Ontario. He expects that number to climb as the last two months of 2008 haven´t yet been tallied.

The 2007 Canadian UFO Report released last July by ufologists Chris Rutkowski and Geoff Dittman includes information about each of 2007´s 836 sightings. For example, on Jan. 13, two witne

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