Raumfahrt - Volare-Mission mit ESA-Astronaut Luca Parmitano - Teil2


Target acquired…


Like swimming pools, in the middle of the Pacific, the atolls of French Polynesia


My views of the EVA-21


My views of the EVA-21


My views of the EVA-21


Dedicated to my Sardinian friends.


The cradle of all classic culture, unique Greece!


Denmark is barely visible, among clouds in the fading light


Moon setting… La Luna tramonta…


The 7th member of Exp36, your friendly neighborhood Robonaut


Oceanic waves and currents become visible in the sunglint


Now it's your turn...What's your best caption?


My hometown, Catania


EMU suit fit check: lower torso assembly is on - EVA-22


EMU suit fit check: donning the helmet EVA-22


Thinking about the actual EVA :) EVA-22


Venice and the Laguna


My crewmates enjoying an Italian dinner from my ASI-ESA special menu (I ate it too…)


Lake Balkhash, a beautiful painting of unexpected blue


It’s important to know every detail of an EVA-22


While retrieving the MISSE8 experiment, I’m on the “highest” point of the ISS


Ready to install the Starboard RGB


Taking a moment to say hello to Chris EVA-22


Changing the socket on my PGT, after recovering the CPLA EVA-22


photo op before reentry EVA-22


Flying over Columbus, I’m the farthest away from Earth… EVA-22


Columbus is visible in the reflection EVA-22




Raumfahrt+Astronomie-Blog von CENAP 0